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Snape led them down several staircases into a dungeon and stopped outside a large wooden door. His eyes took note of each of them but Enyd noted that his eyes remained on her. Stare down then? There was a bench along the wall which Ben immediately sat down on. Sylvia stood as much in the shadows as she could with her head down. Enyd stood in the middle of the hall with her hands on her hips not being the first to drop her gaze with Professor Snape.

He broke eye contact first, turned and opened the door and told Sylvia Stanwith to follow him as he walked into what appeared to be an office. Round two goes to Enyd she thought childishly.

"You two wait out here until it is your turn." he snarled. Sylvia moused her way in and Snape slammed the door shut.

She noticed that Ben leaned his head back against the wall, ignoring her and closed his eyes. Grateful for a chance to breathe without being on guard, she walked around the hall, away from what she assumed was Snape's office.

There were paintings everywhere of wizards and witches in various poses. She was looking at one of a fierce looking woman in witches robes holding a sword high in the air.

"You're quite the enigma aren't you?" The witch in the picture said and pointed the sword at her.

"Holy Fuck!" She almost fell on her ass as she jumped away from the portrait.

"Oh sorry dear;" the woman said and put the sword in a scabbard on her side.

"All the portraits are enchanted. We can move to other paintings as well. No need to be alarmed."

Rubbing her face with both hands Enyd massaged her temples.

Before she could say anything she heard Snape calling out her last name.

Turning,  she walked quickly back to the door to his office. Sylvia and Ben were gone and it was just Professor Snape and her. He stood at the doorway waved his arm toward the door. "In, now and sit. Don't make me wait again for you when you are called to my office."

His anger was palpable but she ignored it and sat down in the office chair in front of the large desk dominating the room. Snape went to his desk and instead of sitting leaned toward her.

Between gritted teeth, "If you ever try to embarrass me again in front of anyone I will have you removed from Hogwarts. Do you understand you mud..." He stopped before he finished the sentence.

Enyd stood abruptly and walked around the desk to stand beside him. "It's ok for you to be rude and bully me but if I stand up for myself that makes you angry? I thought you were supposed to teach me. I learned the bully games as a child and would really rather not relive that shit."

He turned to look at her his face flushed with anger. "You do not belong here, quit now and save us both the aggravation."

Stepping closer to him she jammed her finger into his chest. "You will not intimidate me out of here. Do you understand?"

He grabbed the hand that was jabbing him and then the other hand quickly and pushed her against the wall, her hands on either side of her head. She refused to break his stare, those eyes! She could look into his eyes the rest of the night.

His breath smelled like mint and it was warm against her face. He growled in anger. "Someone needs to teach you manners."

"Your eyes are beautiful." She couldn't stop the words. That's all she could think of as she stared into his angry face. He must have read something in her look, the sincerity perhaps, because his grip loosened though he didn't let her go.

She wondered what it would be like if she kissed him right now. She glanced down at his lips and then looked back into his eyes. She knew that he knew what she was thinking as his breathing changed and he leaned further against her body. He brought both of her wrists above her head and gripped them with one hand. His other hand drifted down her face, then her neck and he stopped at the v of her cleavage. Now she was the one breathing heavy.

Leaning down he pressed his lips to her ear, "Is this how I have to tame you?" Desire pooled in her belly and she moved her face toward his. He stepped back before she could kiss him.

He made an exaggerated move to look down and straighten his robes.

"Sit down," he was back to being the reserved and cold Professor Snape.

Embarrassed, she walked to the chair and sat gratefully, her legs unsteady after the close encounter with him. What the fuck was wrong with her? She looked at him exhausted from the day and still trying to calm her racing heart.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "You will have 4 classes: Basic magic 1 and 2, defense against the dark arts and potions. As your academic advisor we will meet weekly to check on your progress. The other professors will give me reports on every class but potions as that is the class that I teach. Classes begin the day after tomorrow. You have a day to get the list of items for each class and ready yourself." He pushed a pile of parchment and a few books toward her. "The rest of the information you need to know will be in here. Do you have any questions?"

She shook her head no.

"You may leave now. " He looked away from her and started arranging papers on his desk.

She got up and moved to the door but stopped before exiting. Turning back to him, "I apologize if I was rude to you. I intend to work hard and do my best here and I would really rather not be on bad terms with my potions Professor who also happens to be my academic advisor. Truce?"

He didn't look at her, "It would seem so. Now get out before I change my mind."

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن