Stories and Potions

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Her feet led her to the great hall. It was quiet there being that it was in-between lunch and dinner. She had missed her basics class this morning. Go to potions or skip it? Did she want to see him?

Not particularly. But she also did not want him to control what she did or did not do. Today was supposed to be the day for the potion contest. She had worked very hard to complete it. She needed to go. He needed to see her and know she wasn't going to give in to his anger.

Timet came to greet her as she sat in her chair by the great hearth.

"Miss Enyd looks sad today. Can Timet do something to help?"

Shaking her head, she covered her face with her hands. She didn't want him to see her tears.

"Timet knows the look of a broken heart. I will get you some lavender tea. It is soothing at least."

He blinked away and back within seconds holding a steaming cup of aromatic tea.

"Professor Snape has been alone for a long time Enyd. It may take him some time to accept that he doesn't have to be."

"I don't think he even likes me at the moment Timet."

He chuckled. "Anyone that is in the room with the two of you and pays attention sees how you look at each other. You are always looking at him but he looks at you only when he thinks no one else will notice but house elves notice everything."

Tears streamed from the corner of her eyes. Timet reached up to smooth them away. "Timet doesn't like to see your tears."

Light orbs started swarming around the table.

"Timet isn't the only one sad for you." He was looking at the the orbs. "You are a shining light Enyd. Professor Snape has been in darkness most of his life. Sometimes it takes time for the eyes to adjust."

Reaching out she grabbed the small elf and hugged him to her tightly. The orbs swarmed around and through her and the elf.

"Thank you Timet. You are a good friend."

He patted her cheek. "The same for you."

As her emotions calmed the lights faded and Timet sat down in the chair beside her, pushing the tea toward her.

Taking the cup, she couldn't stop yourself from asking, "Timet who is Lilly Evans?"

A look of sadness passed over Timet's face. "Lilly was a kind witch. She grew up with Professor Snape and they came to school at Hogwarts at the same time. She was his only friend.  He fawned over the girl but she only ever saw him as a friend. She fell in love with a wizard named James Potter. James wasn't always the nicest student. He would often pick on Professor Snape. When Lilly chose the other man over him it darkened him. Lilly followed James Potter and Professor Snape chose to follow a wizard of great evil named Voldemort. This fed that darkness inside of him even more. Voldemort killed Lilly and her husband James. Snape quit following Voldemort after that. Professor Dumbledore brought him back here to Hogwarts but his heart has been shadowed since then. Professor Dumbledore has always believed in him.  When Professor Snape would get angry and yell at a student or a house elf and it was brought to his attention he would say that Severus grew up in darkness and without love.  He reflects the environment in which he was raised.  Be kind to him.  It is the only thing that will change him.  He just needs to experience enough of it to know he is deserving of it.  It is a sad story Miss Enyd."

She knew what it was like to grow up without love, without friends.  Her peace had come from giving those things to people like her that never had it.  She had seen so many in her years of medicine, lost and lonely souls and lots of very sad stories.

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Where stories live. Discover now