Zarinyx Leonides

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Disoriented she looked around to where she had apparated.  She stood in a very large empty cave and it was cold.  A continuous wind blew through the cavern strong enough to whip her hair into her eyes. 

She was angry at herself that she had made this deal with the dragon.  Why now when Severus needed her.  Was he ok?  He needed to be ok because she would not be able to bare it if something happened to him. Shaking her head, she could not think about her feelings for Severus right now.  She had no idea what was going to happen.

As if by mere thinking a loud beating sound and a stronger wind came from above her head.  It was so loud she had to cover her ears  and put her head down.  The ground rumbled and she saw clawed  feet land in front of her. 

She looked up to a massive dragon silver and blue standing 20 feet or more above her. His eyes the color of ice.  She had to force herself not to take a step back from him.  Leaning his head down so that he could look into her eyes she was startled by the deep timber and Scottish brogue.

"Ye are a wee lass. But I'm thinkin ye must be brave or mad or both to agree to come to a Dragon's lair.  It's a good thing I am a benevolent and  humble specimen of Dragon who is long lived and.."  he paused for a moment as if seeking the right word.  He scratched his chin with one clawed hand.  "Well truth be told...bored.  So when ye messaged me that you could entertain me I really couldn't resist."

"I dont recall using the term entertain."

"Well that does sound kind of sordid."  He sniffed her.  "Although I don't think I'd be opposed to that kind of entertainment."

  "Are you flirting with me?"  She could not stop the astonishment in her voice.

"Is it workin?"  He winked at her.  His eyes were so large she could only look at one at a time.

Putting her hand on her hips she eyed him from the top of his head to the end of his long tail.  "I used to tell women size doesn't matter but I think in this case it probably does."

His head tipped back and he laughed so loud it made the ground vibrate.

Bowing his head down to the ground toward her he introduced himself. "Zarinyx Leonides at yer service.  Please excuse my  poor manners. There is a door behind you.  Go in there I think this will be much more enjoyable..."  He made an exaggerated motion of looking around, "More furnished."

She turned around and saw a simple wooden door.  She glanced back at him curious but turned back, opened the door and went inside.  The room was surprisingly simple.  A hearth with a fire was illuminating the room as well as several candelabras.  There were 2 chairs in front of the fire with a small table between the two.  A large desk  and bookshelves took up the other side of the room.  She walked over to the book shelves noting books that looked ancient with languages she didn't understand.  There was a beautifully carved chess board, the pieces set with one side being magical creatures and the other wizards and witches.

Looking back at the door, she wondered how the hell they were going to speak to one another.  Did he have a servant that would send messages back and forth.  The door opened as if it had been waiting for her to look and wonder.  In walked the most beautiful man she had ever seen and she knew without a doubt it was Zarinyx Leonides in human form.

His hair was long and silver.  He still had the same blue eyes.  He was wearing black boots and pants that fit like a second skin on his muscular thighs.  He wasn't wearing a shirt.  His chest and arm muscles were thick and his waist trim.  She couldn't stop herself from staring at him.

"Ahhh yes...I definitely still have it."  His voice in human form was as rich and deep as it was in dragon form.  He walked over to the large desk and grabbed a shirt from one of the drawers, putting it on.  "It has been a long time since I have enjoyed female companionship at my lair.  Dragons like to be......admired." 

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ