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Opening the door, she left without looking back at him. She walked down the hall for a few minutes before realizing she didn't know where to go. It was late and she didn't see anyone to ask.  She thought about going back to Professors Snape's office but decided against it.  She was still flustered from the effect he had on her and she didn't want to anger him.  Besides, she was too tired to try and figure out what had happened between them when he had her against the wall.

After walking for several more minutes and getting hopelessly lost, she sat down on a stone stairwell, resting her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands. She couldn't fuck this up.  She couldn't.  The thought repetitious in her mind.  If she failed they would wipe her memory and there was a chance she could lose all of them including the ones of Kit. She couldn't lose that memory.  That was all she had left of her little girl. 

She was surprised when she felt a tear roll down her wrist and forearm.  Sleep, she just needed to sleep.  Her head would be clearer after rest. 

Tapping on the portrait of a snoring man, she asked "Can you tell me where I can have a room to sleep?"

He snorted awake and grumbled, "Gryffindor house is by the portrait of the fat lady.  One stair case down and two left turns."  He immediately began snoring again.

She followed the directions and found the picture of the fat lady, who was also sleeping.

"Excuse me ma'am but could you let me in?  I was told I could have a room here."

Yawning as she spoke, Enyd barely made out what the woman said.


"Did you say password?"  She shook her head at the fat lady. "I don't know a password.  I just arrived and need a place to rest."

The fat lady who was more awake now  looked at her sadly. "I am sorry my lady, I cannot let you in  without a password.  Perhaps try Ravenclaw tower.  Two staircases down and a left, right and right.  There you will see a golden eagle door knocker.  That's the door inside.  Good luck dear."  She shushed her away with her hands before closing her eyes to go back to sleep.

Again she followed the instructions to the door with the knocker.  The door was locked so she struck the knocker.  The eagle spoke.  "Taken from it's home it will scream you to your tomb.  Place it back in it's cozy nest and then you both shall find rest."

"For fucks sake...." She hissed.

"You must answer to enter."

She flipped her middle finger at the bird and yelled "Enyd Liams That's who fucking screams."

"Incorrect." She heard as she was walking away.  The chimes struck 3 am.

Not knowing where else to go she made her way back to the little bench in front of Snape's office, lay down and closed her eyes to sleep.  At least the bench was better than the cold floor.  Exhausted it didn't take long for sleep to take her.

"Look at her.  Hogwarts should be embarrassed."  She barely registered the voices that spoke above her.  Peeking one eye to tired to open both  she saw the  woman with the sword and another woman staring down at her.  The sleeping man from earlier popped into the picture.

"I sent her to the Gryffindor tower earlier." 

"I sent her to Ravenclaw."  The picture was very crowded as the fat lady pushed her way into the picture as well.

"Someone needs to wake Snape up.  He is the one supposed to have taken care of her." Another voice she didn't recognize.

The sword woman pushed past the others in the portrait.  "I will wake him, the stupid oaf."

Too exhausted to care what the portraits did, she rolled over on her side and fell back into a fitful sleep.

"Wingardium Leviosa."  Enyd tried to open her heavy eyes when she heard Snape's voice.

She felt like she was floating but didn't care what the hell happened as long as she could keep her eyes closed.

Long arms wrapped around her and the smell of sage and old books and parchment comforted her as she snuggled her head against the warm body holding her. "You smell really good." she whispered.  His arms seemed to tighten around her. "I'm sorry if they woke you.  Am I dreaming?  I feel so lost here."  Her words were sleepy mutterings.

She felt a soft pillow and someone taking her shoes off, a blanket pulled over her body.

"Thank  you.  Did I tell you I think you have the most beautiful eyes?"

A warm breath against her ear. "Is this what it takes for you to be polite?"

A crooked smile on her face, too tired to open her eyes, "Is this what it takes for you to be sweet?"

She thought she heard him chuckle. Then his voice soft, "Somnium,"   and she slept.

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Where stories live. Discover now