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She woke screaming, pain in her head and gasping for breath. It took her a moment to realize she wasn't in the woods being chased by Ben and Dementors. She was someplace soft and warm but the room was too dark to tell.

A door opened and illuminated the silhouette of Severus. She knew that body so well. He walked over to the bed which she realized she was laying in and sat beside her. "Parvo Ignis," lighting a candle on the table by his bed. This was the same bed she had brought him to the night he had been drinking. This was his bed. He had brought her to his bed and it made her smile.

"I thought you would sleep longer. I think I healed all the injuries. Tell me if anything hurts. Would you like some sleeping tonic?" His voice surprisingly soft and kind. His hand reached out to touch her face but he stopped before actually doing it and dropped it back to his side.

Shaking her head no, she leaned forward resting her head against his chest. Just his presence brought her comfort. "You came back." She wrapped both her arms around his waist breathing in his smell and his warmth and some of her anxiety eased. Turning her cheeks so she could see him, their gazes locked. "Thank you Severus."

"I never should have left...." He hesitated. "I knew..." he was looking around awkwardly seemingly trying to find the words. "A short time after I left you, my lips became numb and there was a sour taste in my mouth. Datura stramonium is known to cause hallucinations and weaken the mind. Many wizards use it prior to casting something like an Imperio spell. It makes it less likely that someone can break free from it. It is however a very unpleasant taste unless hidden in something strong like alcohol. I found the glass you had been given by Anders and knew immediately that you had been poisoned with it." Finally his arms came around her and she sighed into him. "I didn't know where he had taken you until I saw the lights in the distant tree tops. I followed them and they brought me to you. I.." He didn't finish his thought.

She couldn't wait for him any longer sliding her hand to the back of his neck and pulling his mouth to hers. He didn't resist her. The kiss started off soft and sweet. He pulled back looking at her, something in his eyes she couldn't read. "What am I supposed to do with you?" asking as if she would somehow know the answer.

"Kiss me Severus. Kiss me." He hesitated and she thought he meant to get up and leave but instead he kissed the top of her head and then her cheek, her face. He pulled back and looked at her, his gaze anguished and then he set his mouth to hers and kissed her and it was desperate and deep. His mouth never leaving hers, he pushed her down into the pillows then ran his kisses from her mouth to her neck. She was only wearing her bra and panties she noticed then, which was fine with her. That meant he touched her flesh sooner. His breath was warm as his mouth trailed a path from her neck to the tops of her breasts. He was leaning over her, one arm on each side of her head. His hair hanging down so that all she could see was his beautiful face and soulful eyes. It was her turn to tell him. "Don't stop. Please..."

His eyes burned black and hot and he lowered his mouth back to her breast kissing her nipple through her bra.

"Severus." His name a moan.

His hands were on her sliding the bra straps down while he watched her. His right hand came up to her neck and his fingers drifted down, across the top part of her chest. She strained against his hand. He slid it lightly across her left breast and then the right. His thumb lightly caressing each nipple. His mouth came back to hers then. "I like it when you say my name." his voice deep with desire. Stopping his hands and his mouth he whispered into her ear sending gooseflesh down her neck and arms. "Say it again, or I won't continue."

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Where stories live. Discover now