Albus Dumbledore

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They walked and walked and walked.  Several staircases, hallways, more staircases until they arrived in front of a large statue of a gargoyle.

"Raspberry jam." Severus whispered and the statue rotated to reveal a set of winding stairs. She remembered walking these stairs before. When they arrived at the top of the stairs Severus handed her a small vial.

"Drink this." As she did her body rematerialized.

They stood in the Headmasters office. The large desk set on a dais surrounded by shelf upon shelf of books, trinkets and strange objects. She was just as awed as the first time she had come.

Severus walked to a cabinet and pulled out a large shallow stone bowl with runes and other symbols engraved into it. He set it on a table near the wall. It was filled with silvery smoke like what had been in her vial of memories.

"I will put your memory in the pensieve and we will view it together. I think if we continue to hold hands we will see the same memories.

She nodded, too worried about what was to come to say anything else and grateful to have his hand to hold onto. "Don't let go Severus."

He squeezed her hand pulled out the vial of silvery smoke and added it to the bowl.

It was like being hit in the head blacking out and then coming too.

She was sitting with Albus Dumbledore. He was looking at her with a frown on his face.
He took her hands, "I must ask of you a favor. It is extremely important. I am going to tell you a story about myself which includes things about you and all that is happening right now and I need you to carry this message to someone else."

"Of course I will Albus. You have done so much for me it is the least I can do."

"This message won't be given in the way messages usually are however. After I tell you my story I will remove the message from your memory and when the time is right and I have no doubt that the time will come, Severus Snape will help you find this memory again."

"So I am not going to remember what you are about to tell me until sometime later? But why not just tell me now and I can relay it to him directly?"

"There are many hands at play right now. No one can know who you really are else it would be used against me and I couldn't bare that. I asked you before if you trust me."

"I do Albus. I just do not understand." He raised one of her hands to his mouth and gently kissed it. He stood then and began pacing.

"When I was a young man, many many years ago as you can tell," he winked but then fell silent for several moments. He cleared his throat before continuing, "I fell in love with someone, a man. His name was Gellert Grindelwald. We were young men at the time but with big dreams and within moments of meeting each other became inseparable. He was smart, creative, funny. And he was an amazing story teller, weaving in his audience as he spoke. I was one of those. He had visions of what the future held for humankind and told me of them, bombs, death, destruction, IF we let the muggles continue to rule themselves. Wouldn't it be better if wizards and witches held the power and were able to stop these terrible things that were set to happen in the future? If he and I were to start a revolution, we wouldn't have to hide our relationship and could love each other openly. I was mesmerized by the simple idea of walking down a street and being able to old his hand, to be able to kiss his cheek or hug him in public, things other couples take for granted every single day. During one of these conversations he told me about a muggle scientist that he had discovered. This man was working on a way to create a child with multiple parents,  muggle magic or as they call it, science.  He wanted us to have a child together.  It was a wonder to me to think that I could have a child that was a piece of both myself and the man I loved deeply so I agreed. 

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz