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She woke not knowing what time it was or how long she had slept. She hadn't wanted to wake. She had been dreaming about Kit. Kit wanted to have a tea party but every time Enyd sat down she would get get interrupted and have to go see a patient. Kit was very unhappy about this and kept telling her to sit and have some mint tea. She was smiling and holding a cup out to her.

"There's cake." she giggled.

And then she woke. How she missed that little girl. She always made her laugh no matter how she herself was feeling. Kit had a seizure disorder from birth when she adopted her. Born to a mother addicted to methamphetamines and other drugs. Evangeline had tried to get clean when she found out she was pregnant but she repeatedly ended back in the ER overdosed on one drug or another. The other doctors and nurses were jaded with repeat offenders, especially one that passed her troubles on to her unborn child but Enyd had felt her sorrow. She was a broken women and not even the child she carried could fix her.

The last time she had come to the ER her organs were shutting down from the drug use. She was dying and she knew it. She had made Enyd promise to help her daughter. "You have always been kind to me and I trust you. You make me feel safe and I want her to be safe too. Tell her I am sorry." She kept saying it over and over until she was taken to the OR for an emergency C-Section. She never woke and passed shortly after the child was born.

She had named her Kit after the candy bar that gave her mom simple joy and Evangeline her birth mothers first name. No one else wanted a drug addict baby so the adoption had taken place without much effort. Kit had some health issues from the start not just the seizure disorder. She was in spite of her health issues, such a loving child from the beginning. She never complained. When kids made fun of her for wearing a protective helmet, she had drawn pictures of funny animals, wrote funny poems and put smiling faces all over it to remind everyone that they should be nice to each other.

She was loving and funny and kind all the things that were missing from Enyd's life and she cherished every moment. Kit's health was fragile and repeatedly doctors told her she would be lucky if she made it to 5. She did though. She turned 5 in June and then died that next January from a massive seizure. Enyd had been working the ER when the alert came through of an unresponsive child currently having an uncontrolled grand mal seizure.

Enyd had stopped what she was doing and waited at the ambulance gait. She knew, knew it was Kit. By the time the other doctors shooed her away and got the seizures to stop Kit's brain was already swelling and no medicine reduced it. She was in a coma and didn't come out. She died 2 days later. Enyd had never left her side, she had sung to her, read to her and held her as her body took it's final breaths.

Life after that became flat and gray for her. There was no joy in her work that she normally loved, no joy in music or food, no joy in life. She became the type of doctor she promised herself she would never be, one that doesn't listen and spends as little time as possible with patients. Nights she went home and did the exact same thing. Shower, eat something she could microwave, bed, wake eat something from microwave, look at pictures or tv shows that Kit had watched, work. Repeat.

A year after Kit's death after working a 12 hour shift she went to Kit's grave. There was snow on the ground and it was freezing rain. She hadn't worn a coat. She laid down on the grave and closed her eyes. Her heart as frozen as the ground. She had wanted to die there, in truth she had come with that intent.

Her heart stopped and she remembered feeling a warm light around and within her. It was comforting and loving...

She heard voices singing to her. "Kindness lights the way. Open your eyes for another day. We need the light you have inside to give, brave the life that is yours to live. Wake child. Wake. Magic gives and magic takes. The curse inside you will break but you must .... Wake. Wake."

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Where stories live. Discover now