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She woke the next day feeling rested. Ever grateful for her never ending coffee, she gathered her items and went to basics. No one looked at her like she was mad so she assumed the memory charm had worked though she still felt guilty about it.

Basics class was easy now. Her incantations were better than just good. She was an excellent student. The only person who wasn't happy about that was Ben.

Anders came up to her and walked with her to Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Let's hope no crazy Boggarts today! Pretty sad when the remedial Professor can't even control things." he chuckled.

Touching her arm, "You seem well today. Winning the potions contest still have you in a good mood?"

"Well it definitely didn't hurt." smiling back at him

"Will I see you tonight at the Three Broomsticks? We are supposed to be celebrating your victory. Besides Ben will be there and I am sure you wouldn't mind reminding him of that second place ribbon he received."

She laughed out loud this time. "Is it that obvious?"

"It's pretty obvious and looks like the feeling is pretty mutual from him. Did something happen between the two of you?"

"I get the feeling he doesn't like muggles or americans."

"His loss because i think the American accent is sexy as hell." the last he leaned in and whispered to her.

Blushing she turned to him but he was already walking into Defense class.

Ms Mariss stopped her before she got into the class. "Professor Snape is looking for you. He wants you to meet him in potions class now."

She found that to be rather odd but rather than arguing she walked to Severus's classroom. He was standing at one of the tables mixing ingredients. The potion looked like water.

"28 days until it is ready. Any guesses?"


"Well done Ms. Liams."

She sighed. Was he really back to using her last name? If so that was going to be very disappointing.

"Professor Mariss said I was to come and see you."

He finished adding the last few ingredients, swirled the potion clockwise three times and then counterclockwise three times.

"Done." He placed the potion in a stand and capped it.

Leaning against the table he frowned at her. "It seems Professor Mariss is no longer interested in teaching you Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Why?" she asked angrily? "I have only done everything she has asked me to do."

Snape looked at her drily. "She believes she needs to learn defense against you."

"Are you serious?"

He nodded.

"What does that even mean?"

"What it means is that I will now be teaching you three subjects: potions, occlumency and defense against the dark arts, all of which you need."

She sighed again. It felt like there was nothing in her control, every time she inched herself forward, something came and pushed her a hundred feet backward. Her future depended on too many variables and too many things that had nothing to do with studying or how well you took a test, those things she could manage. Now Severus was going to be teaching her three classes. And it seemed it was either hot or cold between them. What if he decided he didn't want to teach her any more? The problem also compounded by the fact that if he wanted her to be only a student with him, could she? No fucking way.

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Where stories live. Discover now