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Her head hurt.  Enyd left Basics 1 and 2 dread filling her.  She was terrible.  She couldn't even create the light spell at the end of her wand.  The most basic spell.  Two hours of failure that is all she just had. Sighing she made her way to Defense Against the Dark Arts. 

The teacher was a woman who was younger than her.  She introduced herself as Professor Mariss.  She immediately paired the students together and put her with Benyamin.

Enyd looked at the door wondering if she left if anyone would notice.  He must have seen her look because she noticed out of the corner of her eye that He came up beside her. "You should be scared you mud blood muggle, whatever you are."

Professor Mariss didn't waste any time and began with some simple curses for the students to use on one another and the counterspell associated with it. 

Each pair had to move to a separate area to practice.  Once all the students were in position she yelled, "Begin!"

The word hadn't even finished passing her lips when Ben pointed his wand, "Petrificus totalus," he yelled.

"Protego!" The shield spell worked as expected and the petrify spell bounced off.  She ducked down hiding her motion, she aimed "Confundo." It hit Ben along his temple and he immediately started walking around the room confused.

"Expelliarmus,"  and his wand went flying in the air. "Accio!"  and the wand came directly to her hand.

A satisfied smile formed on her face.  At least she had learned something in the past year in that awful prison. She looked around the room to see how everyone else was doing and noticed uncomfortably that everyone was staring at her, mouths open, including Professor Mariss.

"You can be finished Miss Liams."  Professor Mariss pointed to the door.  She then turned and ended the confusion spell on Benyamin.
If looks could kill, she would definitely be dead. Ben was not pleased to have been defeated by her and pretty spectacularly, if she said so herself.

Lifting her chin in the air she left the room with as much confidence as she could muster.  She didn't understand why she was taken from the class. Didn't she do what she was supposed to do? She began walking having time before potions class began.  Unintentionally she ended up at the bench in front of Snape's office.

The warrior witch was practicing sword movements.  It was quite exceptional and she stood and watched her.

When the warrior was done she looked at Enyd.   "In trouble again?"  There was a hint of laughter in her voice.

She shrugged at the picture.  " I am pretty sure no matter what I do here, I am doomed for failure. I suck at basic magic but am decent at the Defense against the Dark arts. I was thrown out of class after I won a duel pretty quickly actually." Proud of herself. She felt badly that she was venting at the portrait but she didn't have anyone else to speak to.

"Defense against the dark arts and potions are supposed to be the 2 most difficult classes here.  Basic well basic.  It is very odd to be very good at the more difficult class and terrible at the easy magic."

"I had a lot of practice in defensive magic the past year.  I was in-prisoned in the US before being sent here.  None of the mages were supposed to be able to cast magic in the prison but it was...." It had been hell but she didn't want to say that to the portrait, instead, ".... There were wands made In secret. They put me in there and I didn't know a damn thing. You either learn fast or you go mad."

"I understand what it is like to have to fight or die.  My name is Britania."
Nothing seemed to be going well here. Instead of learning, she was stacking up a list of enemies. Feeling lost and clueless she hoped the portrait may have some answers for her. Start asking about the things you know you need information on.

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Where stories live. Discover now