Diagon Ally

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As difficult as it was Enyd went to all of her classes the next day.  She was determined to keep as low a profile as she could. She didn't talk to anyone unless they asked her something directly.  She was permitted to attend all the classes and take notes, not able to do anything else without a wand.  She dedicated her free time to working on the extra credit potion.  She needed something to occupy her time and it felt good to feel like she was actually learning things. 

Snape ignored her which was fine. She still felt guilty and ashamed for her attraction to Snape. She kept telling herself to learn what she needed to get through this. And then what? She shook her head. No sense falling down that rabbit hole. One thing at a time.  She had enough to worry about.

Every evening was spent in the library, trying to avoid the cranky librarian. The potion looked complicated initially when she glanced at it, however, after researching the ingredients, there didn't seem to be anything special. That was obviously inaccurate. She needed more information and to get that she needed access to the forbidden section of books. The other books in the library had not turned up much information about this specific potion.  She just needed to get in there and see if she could find anything.

She would sneak into the the library late Friday night. Supposedly Professor Pince left early that day.

When Friday finally came, it seemed to drag, as anxious as she was to get into the library.  She was determined to correctly make this potion.  She had something to prove to Snape and maybe herself too. She knew that part of the obsession with conquering this potion was because of the dark eyed Professor.  She tried not to focus to hard on what she was hoping would happen if she got it correct. 

Potions was her last class of the day.  She had been hiding in the back of the classroom every day since the wand incident.  He never looked in her direction or spoke to her.  Friday was uneventful since Professor Snape had them work on an essay about Veritaserum. She looked at her parchment and held it up. It was messy. Blotches of ink showing how terrible she was with a quill. There was also some lettering from other pages slightly visible because she had stacked them together before things were dry.

A thought came to her mind regarding the potions contest but she set it aside for the moment.

She was the last to turn her paper in to Professor Snape. He didn't look at her as she laid it on his desk, but did raise a finger at her. "A moment Liams.

She stood in front of the desk waiting to find out what Snape wanted, impatient to be gone and working on the potion.  She still found it difficult to look at him and instead looked at her shoes as she waited for him. He was doing it intentionally, making her wait, as if to prove her presence was not notable. It made her angry. It was a trigger as she was not a patient person. The longer he made her wait, the more it pissed her off. She was done being sad and mopey.  Fuck him.

"I have plans for the evening Professor so if we could get a move on here."

His eyes snapped up at her remark, narrowing at her. "I do not work on a student's schedule. Social calls do not take precedence over academics." He growled at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Sure let me tell my hot date I was late because my professor felt the need to show me his superiority."

A flush appeared on his face. He continued to stare at her until she threw her hands in the air.

"You're lying to me." he finally said.

"It's called sarcasm." she muttered. Enyd stopped herself from saying anything else. This was never going to work. Setting her pride aside she spoke with sincerity in her voice. "I'm sorry Professor Snape. The only plans I have are with the library for the potion contest and it closes early on Fridays." This seemed to appease him for the moment.

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Where stories live. Discover now