Standing Out

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At a young adult camp where there were just guys and girl from age 20 till 22, when most of them were couples which made me feel like I was the odd one out; it was time for announcements for everyone to go to their own cabins when most of the cabins were filled with couples or good friends.

I was in a cabin with two couples and I was only single guy in the cabin, when it was around 8pm in the evening which I decided to take a stroll outside and went to sit by the lake by myself while listening to my own created songs; sat there for a few minutes when a female counselor noticed me sitting by myself by the lake.

The female counselor's name was Elizabeth she was second in charge of the camp but she was the youngest counselor in the camp, when it was shift end but when she noticed me she put her things away and walked towards me; she approached me when she tapped my shoulder.

I took my one earphone out "HI" Elizabeth said to me, "HI" I replied to her
"What you doing here all by yourself?" Elizabeth asked me as she sat next to me on the log
"I dk I just felt like being alone with my own thoughts" I said to her as she looked towards the lake and back at me.

"Is it because most of the young adults that are here are couples?" Elizabeth asked me as she moved closer to me while I was starring at the view
"Yeah" I said to her as I leaned my head down, "It's okay if you feel like you stand out besides look at me I'm the youngest counselor and I'm single too" Elizabeth said to me as she got my attention.

"But don't you feel like you wish you had it like they do?" I asked Elizabeth as I looked at her
"Of course it does but my heart is on God and he is preparing me for the one for me" Elizabeth says to me, I just nodded my head to agree with her "What you listening to?" Elizabeth asks me as she noticed my earphones.

"It's just my own songs" I said to her as she interrupted me, "May I have a listen?" Elizabeth asked me as she put the earphone in her ear, "Wow that's some nice songs in the way I can understand by the lyrics that your heart was hurt by someone and you can't do anything about it even though they made promises with you" Elizabeth says to me as she takes out the earphone.

"I'm sorry that happened to you but I'm sure the lady for you is out there, you just have to keep your faith on God" Elizabeth says to me as she notices I looked towards the view again, "I'm going get some sleep I think it's best you don't stay up too late okay, oh before I forget what's your name?" Elizabeth asked me before she walked away
"It's Angel" I said to her as she just smiled; "Well it was nice to talk with you Angel bye" Elizabeth said to me and walked back to her cabin.

I watched her as she walked back and then smiled putting in my earphone and played a happy love song I created, when I decided to walk back to my cabin to get some rest but as I got there one couple was making out physically so I had to face towards to the wall so I wouldn't see it.

The End

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