Fiancé Horror

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It all started when Alan Turner was laying on the couch in his fiancé Becky Barn’s lounge in his boxers and with no shirt, when Alan fell asleep while his fiancé came to the front wrapped in a blanket walking towards him when Becky snuggled against Alan on the wide couch which she then put the blanket over both of them but what Alan Turner didn’t know was that his fiancé had nothing on her body.

Alan was lying on his back to get comfortable, when Becky Barns leaned her naked warm body against Alan Turner’s body and placed her hands on his chest fiddling with his necklace.

Alan Turner’s fiancé was looking at him as she was lying on top of him; “Honey” “Honey, are you awake?” Becky Barns whispered to Alan

“I was always awake” Alan Turner said to his fiancé while his eyes were closed

“You know I love you” Becky whispered to Alan as she was slowly moving her hands up his neck to his lips

“I love you too my dear” Alan Turner said to his fiancé as the both of them moved on their sides to face one another and Alan suddenly opened his eyes

Becky Barns then slowly touched Alan’s face with her hand leaning in for a kiss when suddenly her face lit up in fear which Becky then grabbed Alan Turner pushing him off the couch; though at the time Alan didn’t understand why she did that until he saw two ghosts trying to have sex with his fiancé .

Alan Turner couldn’t see them but Becky pointed at them so he grabbed a sword and got rid of the one going for his fiancé’s vagina which Alan eventually got him, when Becky Barns pointed at one trying for her to give him a blowjob but by the time Alan Turner got the ghost his fiancé passed out with seaman running out her mouth.

Alan held Becky in his arms crying “I’m sorry my love” Alan Turner kept saying to his fiancé.

Next thing Alan knew he ended up in a suit of armor with a mask covering his entire head, when Alan Turner had blood on his hands and blades lying on the floor; Alan took the mask off “What have I done now?” he asked himself.

Alan Turner came out the locker room out of his suit of armor, when he saw his fiancé making out with another guy which Becky Barns saw Alan looking towards them and so he just walked away.

Becky tried running after Alan Turner and tried to talk him out of what he saw, “Baby please listen to me” Becky kept saying to Alan; “I’m not your baby anymore” Alan Turner said to his fiancé as he stopped and turned towards her.

Alan suddenly carried on walking away and his fiancé kept following him saying “I’m sorry please hear me out”.

Alan Turner just ignored Becky Barns and jumped fast into a high tree, jumping to another tree which his fiancé didn’t want to give up so she tried running bellow Alan following him where he went.

Alan Turner got frustrated so he sat in the next tree from the one Becky stopped at, when she thought Alan was in the previous tree which Alan Turner could hear his fiancé yelling “Baby please come down to talk”

After 5 minutes Becky Barns sat by the roost of the tree waiting for Alan, when he suddenly decided to jump out the tree looking towards his fiancé which Becky was leaning into her knees with her arms crossed while crying.

Alan Turner sighed and walked slowly towards Becky but as he got to her Alan sat on his haunches in front of his fiancé which she didn’t notice him; “Honey” Alan Turner whispered as he softly tapped Becky Barn’s arm.

Alan’s fiancé got a fright and lifted her head looking at him, “Let me just says something” Alan Turner said to Becky as he tried to keep calm explaining to her.

“That guy you made out with was a friend of mine who steals other people’s women for fun not for true love” Alan said to his fiancé with a calm voice, as Becky Barns started crying again.

“I didn’t know” Becky said to Alan Turner with a shaken voice as she carried on crying

“I understand you didn’t know” Alan said to his fiancé as she said something else “I thought I lost you after that Ghost” Becky Barns said to Alan Turner as she leaned into his arms.

“I wasn’t lost but I am sorry it seemed that way” Alan said to his fiancé as he held her firm in his arms which Alan Turner then moved up against the tree with Becky, when he picked her up and let her lie in his arms as their hands intertwined and Becky’s body was on top of Alan’s.


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