The Inhuman Escape

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Held captive in the back of a SWAT Van as an inhuman prisoner for a crime I never caused, when suddenly I was kneeling down with inhuman power dampener chains tied to my wrists and legs but as I thought my day was going to get worse a familiar voice started talking to me through my thoughts telling me “Babe I have just hacked their system and you free to go in 10 seconds” my girlfriend suddenly said to me with her mind powers.

I looked up at the guards with a mischievous smile on my face, when suddenly two Black Land drovers came rushing behind the SWAT Van “What the hell” the one guard says out loud as they notice the approach Black land drovers; “Did you call for back up?” The one guard said to the other.

“No did you?” The other guard says to the third guard

“No” the third guard said to the second guard

“You need to let me go” I said to the guards as they interrupted me
“Hell no you stay quiet” The first guard said to me as he smacked me with shocking stick.

“Baby you free to go now” my girlfriend gives me the go ahead signal as I just smiled

“Well gentleman I’ll just let myself out then” I said to the guards as I fazed through the chains and through the back of the SWAT Van, “What the” the second guard said out loud as they watched me standing in the middle of the road looking towards the approaching Land drovers, when I started igniting my macrobiotic suit a few seconds before the Land drover approached me; I had my full suit on as my robotic suit covered my entire body and covered my face with my robotic helmet.

AS my suit was finished covering me the Land drovers had guys peeking out their roofs with heavy machine guns firing at me while they approached me, when I suddenly lit my speed ability with my strength ability pushing myself towards the land drovers which I then charged into one full force breaking the entire front of the one land drover that it flipped on its roof as it flew over me; as I took care of that land drover the other one drifted behind me to face me which I turned around looked it.

“Give them hell baby” my girlfriend said to me as this time she used my earpiece in my helmet to talk to me

“With pleasure” I said to me girlfriend as I ignited my microbots to bring out a sword, when the Land drover suddenly started driving towards me at a speed while I just stood still in the middle of the road; all the innocent people were stopping their cars behind me as they all suddenly got out their cars taking videos of me.

The Land drover eventually approached me, when I suddenly put my sword in front of me which sliced the land drover in half killing the enemies in the process; though as I sliced the land drover in half the pieces when their own directions towards the side of the road.

I turn around watching as they went their separate ways, when after a few minutes an enemy survived from the previous land drover which this time had a bazooka in his hand shooting towards the innocent people but as he shot the rocket I sensed it and immediately charged towards it while my girlfriend kept saying in my ear “That will kill babe” she said to me trying to talk me out of charging towards it.

“I’ll be fine” I said to my girlfriend as I got into a running pose to charge the rocket coming towards me, when a sonic boom went off behind me as I charged for it; though as I charged towards the rocket flying towards me I grabbed it in my arms and ran towards the guy with the bazooka.

“Oh shit” the enemy moaned as he saw me coming with the rocket in my arms

(BOOM) a big explosion went off as the rocket hit the guy and the car while I was in between it, after a few seconds the SWAT Van approached the scene witnessing the explosion, when the innocent people were walking close to the scene with worries on their faces; but as the SWAT team approached the explosion spot with caution I managed to get out their unharmed.

The big crowd of innocent people started shouting and cheering “Hero Hero” they kept shouting and yelling out to me as the SWAT team stood down, watching me get the recognition of the citizens of the town for my actions.

“Let’s go men” the first Guard said to his other members as I stood their looking towards them

“Babe are you there?” My girlfriend said to me over my ear piece

“Yeah I’m fine, prepare dinner I’m finally coming home” I said to her as I walked in between the crowd of people but after a few minutes I ran fast towards home all satisfied to my actions.


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