Love In A Storm

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It all started as a normal day for Steven Wright and his loving woman Talia Evans which her and Steven’s sister in law went for a few hours at a water park which Talia was so sad that Steven couldn’t go with so he hugged her and kissed Talia Evans on her lips.

“See you just now my darling” Steven Wright said to Talia as he pulled away from kissing her.

“Are you sure you can’t go with?” Talia Evans asks Steven just before they left

“I have work to do but I’ll definitely see you later” Steven Wright said to Talia which right after she got in the car whit Steven’s brother and his sister in law.

After a few hours Steven and his friend started analyzing evil people activities on his laptop which he sat outside on the porch, when it suddenly started to rain so Steven Wright analyzed the weather waiting for results but as he was waiting Talia Evans suddenly came through front door looking for Steven; “Honey” Talia called out for Steven Wright.

“I’m here” Steven Wright called out to Talia Evans as she came outside still wearing her bikini and approached Steven, “What are you doing?” Talia asks Steven Wright as she bent down looking on his laptop “I’m just trying to analyze the rainy weather” Steven said to Talia Evens as he was busy on the laptop.

“Can we just have a moment together without work?” Talia asks Steven Wright as she looked at him with a wide smile, “Alright how about we go stand in the rain together” Steven mentioned to Talia Evans as he left his laptop smiling at her

“That would be nice” Talia says to Steven Wright as she shows him too take off his shirt

Steven then walked down the stairs to stand in the rain waiting for Talia Evans “Come darling” Steven Wright called out to Talia

“I’m coming just hold on” Talia Evans says to Steven as she unties her bikini top revealing her small breasts

Talia eventually walks towards Steven Wright which she covered her breasts till she got Steven to pull her close leaning her skin on his, “You’re quite warm hun” Talia Evans says to Steven Wright.

“I’m always hot my love” Steven said to Talia as he smiled at her

Talia Evans & Steven Wright were standing in the rain holding one another for a few minutes until the rain started to pick up and thunder storms appeared, “Okay its getting a bit intense now” Steven said to Talia as they rushed inside but as they got inside the house started to shake and started being torn apart.

The rainy weather turned into a massive windy thunderstorm which blew off the house’s roof though Steven Wright’s brother & sister in law were hiding in the closet trying for Talia Evans & Steven to go in with them but it was too late for the wind started picking up and all Steven Wright could do is lie on the floor covering Talia from the floating pieces of the house flying around.

Some of the broken pieces hit Steven’s back a few time but he focused his strength to cover Talia Evans to not get hurt which Talia was holding on to Steven Wright with tight grip but she worried about him getting injured though due to Steven not having a shirt on.

After 2 hours the intense weather stopped which Steven Wright immediately felt weak in his top body “Honey” Talia Evans callout to him “I’m okay” Steven said with a scratchy voice, “You not okay” Steven Wright’s sister in law said as her & Steven’s brother came out the closet seeing wood shards enlarged into his back; Steven Wright stood still while Talia crawled out underneath him.

Talia Evans saw the blood dripping off Steven’s back “We need to help him” Talia said to Steven Wright’s sister in law and brother.

As Steven’s brother removed the wood shards out his back Talia Evans started cleaning the wounds while holding his arm because Steven Wright kept moaning to the pain, though of course Talia had to cover her naked breasts with a shirt which she eventually bandaged Steven’s back as she kissed his skin thinking that would make him feel better.


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