Love Between Agents

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On a secret mission with my fiancé for we had to recover Intel on the murders of American soldiers and the bombing from the Jerusalem people, when me & my fiancé snuck into one of their hideouts and got the Intel we needed from a computer "Hurry" My fiancé said to me as she kept an eye on the door
"Done" I said to her as the Intel was finish transferring onto the hard drive; "Let's get out here" my fiancé said to me as we slowly found our way out.

Suddenly a guard shouted "Intruders" as he noticed us running out building, when suddenly we were about to cross the border "Bang" a gun shot went off which hit me fiancé so I looked back at her as she was hit close to the chest; "I'm going to get you out here" I said to my fiancé as I slowly picked her up while I told her to put pressure on her wound.

As I was running to escape with my fiancé being in my arms gun shots were being fired at me for it hit my back which it didn't injure me, when a strike team of the US army noticed us and helped us while soldiers were firing back at the enemy "She needs the hospital" I said to one of the soldiers as he helped us get into a chopper to fly off into town; I looked down at my fiancé as she looked at me and slowly touching my face as I held her hand which was placed on my face.

"You going to be okay" I said to her as I started crying, when we eventually reached the hospital which my fiancé was taken in to get checked out which I waited over a few hours in the waiting room to find out if she'll be okay, when the doctor suddenly came walking out the operating room "How is she?" I asked the doctor as I approached him
"She was in critical condition but I'm sad to say she didn't make it" the doctor said to me as I scratched my head and turned around

"I'm sorry for your loss but we did what we could" the doctor said to me as he slowly walked away
"Thank you" I said to him as he walked away.
A few hours later I was at my fiancés funeral, when my friends were there to comfort me and after the ceremony we went inside and had something to eat and drink; everyone was talking to people which I sat alone on stairs with a glass of wine in my hand as I fazed out into the distance thinking about my fiancé.

One of my female friends approached me "Hey" she said to me as she slowly sat next to me
"I'm sorry this had to happen to you but I'm sure she'll be in your heart always" my female friend said to me as I looked down as our engagement rings were hanging on my chain.
My friend tried to comfort me by rubbing my back but at the same time I felt angry to whom was the person that shot her so I could one day kill him.

Days became into weeks where every night I'd cry because she wasn't beside me in our bed, when I suddenly got up with revenge on my mind and got changed into my suit & tie; after I got dressed I asked a close friend in the military to drop me off at the same place we went before and suddenly just walked into the building with a frown on my face while all the guards were charging at me.

I killed a couple of groups of guards, which some of them I just hit into the wall as I got to the third floor of the building while all the dead guards were laying around on the floor, when not a scratch was on my suit until I got to the Bosses office with a smile on my face; the boss wanted to take his gun out when I suddenly stopped him and grabbed him by his throat.
"Who shot my wife?" I asked him as I pressed him against the wall
"I don't know" the boss said with a screeching voice
"Don't lie to me, who did it?" I asked him again as I pressed harder on hi throat but something caught my eye as I looked towards the door.

I noticed a rifle hanging on his wall, which I closely noticed It was used so I dropped the boss and took a closer look at the rifle noticing it had bullet powder all over the handle but as I looked further the boss reached for his gun and shot me; I smiled wide as he seemed freaked out by it not damaging me so I walked back to him as he was about to call his guards.

I strangled him again and lifted his sleeve seeing bullet powder burns on his wrist, so I looked at him again "So you the bugger who killed my wife" I said to him as he was about to say something I just snapped his neck and dropped him.

I walked out the office closing the doors and found my way out the building unnoticed.

The End

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