Party Problems

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It all started when Tyron Jackson was at a part with his friend which he suddenly decided to go out the house party to get fresh air but as Tyron was standing outside two guys started picking on him; as many time as Tyron Jackson told them to stop  they didn’t.

Suddenly the two guys eventually pushed Tyron on the floor hitting and kicking him, when his friend pitched up starting to hit the shit out of those two guys which he then helped Tyron Jackson back on his feet.

“You good” Tyron’s friend asked him as he sat down on the couch, “I’ll be fine” Tryon said to his friend as his friend suddenly walked around looking for those two guys again.

Tryon felt his eye swell up and his arms were bruised, when he suddenly took out his phone trying to call his girlfriend hoping she’d pick up but it went immediately to voicemail which Tyron Jackson got so frustrated that he slammed his phone on the coffee tabling as he bent down leaning his face in his arms.

Suddenly a random woman approached Tyron “Hey are you okay?” she asked Tryon Jackson as he looked up seeing a beautiful woman in front of him, “Hi I’m sorry” Tyron said to her as he leaned back on the couch “No it’s okay, want to tell me what happened?” the woman asked Tyron Jackson as she slowly sat next to him on the couch.

“I got beaten up by some guys and when I tried to call someone she doesn’t pick up” Tyron says to the woman as he sighs

“Sounds horrible, I’m sorry you having a horrible day” the woman said to Tyron Jackson as she moved closer to him.

Tyron tried to look to his side slightly, when he saw the woman leaning against him putting her head on his shoulder; though Tyron Jackson was looking at the woman when she just smiled at her which the woman then put her hand on Tyron’s hand but Tyron Jackson didn’t know what to do but just sit there.


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