Chapter 8 ~ Family Time Before Work

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Family Time Before Work  -
Chapter 8 -

[At Milly's House]

It was a little bit later, I had helped my daughter Brooke Elena because she has just started her first period today so I basically was looking after her for most of today. We just watched movies in my bedroom as a family, me, Brooke and Oliver, we had lots of snacks and I did homemade pizzas with them. We pretty much just ate comfort food. I felt bad not being there for my daughter this morning so I guess I'm just making up for it with some family time before I go to work at 4pm.

I'm pretty sure it's now 2pm, I look at my phone and check the time and I'm right and then I see a message from the babysitter and she just said that she's on her way over. I wish I could stay with my kids today but I have to go in for my night shift. I think it's 4-11pm. There's two different types of night shifts that they do. One of them is like fully overnight and the other one is more of it starts late afternoon and finishes just before midnight. I obviously have the second one today which I'm glad to do.

Anyways, I hear my doorbell go as I'm making my dinner for when I go to work. I'm just making a vegetarian pasta salad. Oliver comes running from his games room which is the room next to the kitchen which I'm in and he opens the door for the babysitter. The babysitters name is Tilly. It's crazy because we did actually go on like 4 dates before the kids were born but it never worked out and we just decided on staying friends and then when I had the twins I found out that she's a professional babysitter so I hired her to look after them.

Tilly comes in and walks into the kitchen with Oli running in behind to go back to his games room. I say hello to Tilly and thank her for looking after Brooke last night and this morning and obviously looking after Oliver too. I pay her for yesterday and today and then I go upstairs to get ready for work.

[At Arizona's House] - Flashback to when milly left

Milly has just left in a hurry, probably because of her daughter since she's just started her first period. Me and Arizona still can't believe that Milly's daughter is named after us. Brooke Elena. Maybe milly is definitely in love with us. I really need to talk to her about this in person so I'm going to talk about it at work today.

After Milly left, Sofia woke up and was actually asking for her which I found very sweet. Me and Arizona told Sofia that milly has gone to look after her son and daughter and Sofia pretty much just smiled and said that she wants to meet them. I want to meet them too and so do Arizona. I really hope we get to meet them soon.

Milly has now left and Sofia's just woken up. We all have a conversation about the fact that we all want to meet Milly's kids and that Calliope is going to talk to milly today at work about the name of her daughter and also about meeting her daughter and her son. Hopefully she will say yes.

Before Calliope goes to work around 3:45pm since her sift starts at 4pm, me Sofia and calliope all spend some time together which is obviously called family time. We decided to go out to our favourite restaurant called Miley's. it's an Indian restaurant. It's a popular one and we love it. The food there is amazing. Whenever we go there I have a butter chicken and so does Sofia and then Calliope has a prawn korma so that's what we got this time.

Before I go to work, me, Sofia and Arizona go out to our favourite Indian restaurant called Miley's. Whenever we go there I have a prawn korma, Arizona and Sofia have a butter chicken so that's what we got this time.

A few hours later we leave the restaurant because it's now 2pm and we go home so I can get ready for my shift that starts at 4pm. My shift today is with Milly so I'm very excited.

[At Milly's House]

I've just finished getting ready and now I'm going to say goodbye to my kids and leave.

MW- "hey kids, mommy's going to work now so be good for Tilly and if I don't see you when I come home then I will see you tomorrow morning"
BEW- "mom I don't want you to go, please stay, I'm in pain."
MW- "sweetie I'm really sorry but I can't stay, I have to go to work. However when I get my break we can FaceTime or I could quickly come over so see you if you wanted me to do that"
BEW- "okay mom. You can FaceTime me when your on your break"
MW- "ok I will don't worry sweetie. Now where Oli because I want to give him a kiss goodbye"
OW- "I'm here mom"
MW- "there's my little boy, now be good for Tilly and I'll FaceTime you on my break ok"
OW and BEW-" yes mom ok bye love you"
MW- "bye I love you too"
OW- "bye love you more"
BEW- "bye, no I love mom more"
MW- "bye babies, I love you both more than anything"

I then give them a kiss on the forehead and a big hug and then walk over to Tilly.

MW- "I'll see you when I get back, thanks for looking after them. I'm so glad I have a friend like you"
T- "your welcome. You know I would do anything for you milly and I'm so glad that we're still friends"
MW- "yea me too. Bye Tilly, bye kids"
BEW and OW- "by mom"
T- "bye Milly"
MW- "bye"

Then I leave for work

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