Chapter 18 ~ The 3 Musketeers Meet P3 (morning after)

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The 3 Musketeers Meet P3 (morning after) -
Chapter 18 -

It was now the morning after the kids meeting for the first time. I woke up and looked to both sides of me and see Ari and Cal laying next to me with both their arms around me. best moment of my life. The next thing we know is I hear a knock on their bedroom door and then the door open. In comes Brooke Elena and she jumps on the bed.

BEW- "mom wake up, Arizona wake up, Callie wake up, it's morning"
MW- "hey Brooke, good morning, be quiet tho we don't want to wake Arizona and Callie up"
CT- "too late for that, I woke up when Brooke jumped on the bed"
AR- "same"
MW- "well you were both quiet and didn't move a muscle since your arms are still around me"
AR- "oh yeah true, sorry"
BEW- "don't worry, my mom doesn't mind"
MW- "ok swiftly moving on, Brooke, me, Arizona and Callie will just get ready and then come downstairs so would you mind giving us some privacy"
BEW- "sure mom, bye love you"
MW- "bye love you too"

Brooke leaves the room and closes the door

CT- "aww that was so cute , the way you are with her is amazing"
MW- "well I try my best to thank you"
CT- "no worries"

We all start getting dressed and I notice that Callie and Arizona keep looking at me. it's kinda making me feel a bit hot tbh. Anyways we chat for a bit while getting ready and then once we are all dressed we go downstairs and prepare breakfast for everyone.

Me and Arizona will make breakfast for everyone, Milly has offered to help but I refused and said go and relax in the lounge so she did and decided to watch TV. For breakfast we are having eggs Benedict  this morning and we eat it at the dinner table together. As we are eating we chat about how we all slept and just life in general.

Milly and her kids stay for about another 2 hours after finishing our breakfast and then she goes home which is when we all say our goodbyes and plan for another night like this, where they meet again.

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