Chapter 17 ~ The 3 Musketeers Meet P2

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The 3 Musketeers Meet P2 -
Chapter 17 -

Me, Callie and milly go into the kitchen and get a drink and then we go into the lounge and talk.

CT- "so Milly how have you been?"
MW- "fine thanks, how have you been"
CT- "are you sure you're fine. and yeah I'm good thanks"
MW- " yep im good, Arizona how are you"
AR- " im good. What have you been up to recently"
MW- "working pretty much and obviously looking after the kids"
CT- "the usual then"
MW- "yeah, apart from going to Moe's occasionally"
CT- "oh shit yeah, have you... have you seen her yet"
MW- "no not yet *touch wood* hopefully I won't ever see her *touch wood again*
AR- "yeah that wouldn't be good if you see her but we will both make sure that you won't"
MW- "thanks girls"
CT- "Milly, im still so sorry about what happened, I really hope you can forgive me"
MW- "Cal, do you really think that if I hadn't forgiven you yet that I would be sitting here now talking to you... no... so yes I have forgiven you. Stop worrying"
CT- "okay, im just glad that we are ok again because I hated fighting with you"
MW- "honestly me too"
AR- "I hated seeing you both fight"
MW- "im sorry Ari for putting you through that too"
AR- "it's ok"
CT- " I'm sorry too. Anyways let's talk about something else, Arizona got any ideas"
AR- "actually yes, it's about Brooke Elena"
MW- "woah why are we talking about my child now"
AR- "we just have a question that's all"
MW- "let me guess, why did I name her Brooke Elena. Is that what you were gonna ask me"
AR- "yes, because, did you know that my middle name is Brooke and Calliope's is Elena?"
MW- "yes of course I know that those are both your middle names, that's where I got the name from for my daughter"
CT- "okay but why did you call your daughter after us"

The kids walk in

AR- "actually yes, it's about Brooke Elena"
MW- "woah why are we talking about my child now"
AR- "we just have a question that's all"
MW- "let me guess, why did I name her Brooke Elena. Is that what you were gonna ask me"
AR- "yes, because, did you know that my middle name is Brooke and Calliope's is Elena?"
MW- "yes of course I know that those are both your middle names, that's where I got the name from for my daughter"
CT- "okay but why did you call your daughter after us"

The kids walk in

BEW- "mom called me Brooke Elena because she is in love with the both of you and wanted her first daughter to be named after the loves of her life but because she loves both of you and couldn't choose between the both of you she chose to put your middle names together"
MW- "BROOKE ELENA WRIGHT. Did you really have to say that"
BEW- "yes mom, they asked you why and I knew they would so I told them because I knew you probably wouldn't of"
MW- "I would of told them"
BEW- "when would you"
MW- "one day... idk"
BEW- "you wouldn't of, I know you wouldn't of"
MW- "alright fine I wouldn't of told them. Now can you go back to playing with Oliver and sofia please so I can carry this conversation"
BEW- "okay bye"

MW- "im so so sorry about that"
AR- "it's fine"
CT- "so is what your daughter said true"
MW- "alright fine yes... yes it's true... you already knew I liked both of you anyway because of games night"
CT and AR - "yeah that's true"
MW- "I'm sorry if that makes things weird between us all. I can leave now if you want me to. let me just get the kids and I will be out of your way.
AR- "woah Milly no, stay please, you haven't made things weird, not at all."
MW- "ok that's good."

I can't believe that Brooke told Callie and Arizona that I'm in love with both of them and that that's why she's named after them. I'm so mad at Brooke now.

Anyways, It's now a bit later, we are all sat at the dinner table eating food and omg it is stunning, this food is incredible. We eat and then the kids go back to playing upstairs in sofia's bedroom, while us adults play a game of  cards against humanity. ik there's only 3 of us but oh well.

The game of cards against humanity was hilarious, it went on for hours. I checked my phone and it was 11:30pm. Wow time goes fast when you're having fun.

MW- "oh shit it's 11:30pm, I better get going. The kids are probably shattered. It's way past their bedtime"
CT- "omg no way it's that time already. Honestly Milly just stay the night here. Lets go check what the kids are up to and see if they all want a sleepover tonight and then decide"
MW- "alright let's go then"

MW- "oh shit it's 11:30pm, I better get going. The kids are probably shattered. It's way past their bedtime"
CT- "omg no way it's that time already. Honestly Milly just stay the night here. Lets go check what the kids are up to and see if they all want a sleepover tonight and then decide"
MW- "alright let's go then"

me, Arizona and milly walk quietly upstairs and into sofia's room. We walk in to find sofia and Brooke Elena in sofia's bed fast asleep with Oliver on the floor wrapped in a blanket and his head on a pillow who is also fast asleep. That obviously then made up our mind for Milly to also stay the night so me Arizona and milly leave Sofia's room and get changed ready for bed. Arizona lends Milly some pjs and we all end up getting in bed together in my room for our adult sleepover.

MW- "goodnight both of you, thanks for a great night"
CT- "goodnight Milly"
AR- "goodnight, you're welcome. We should definitely do this again"
CT- "yes definitely"
MW- "yeah it will be great. Goodnight"

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