Chapter 19 ~ Figuring out who WE are P1

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Figuring out who WE are P1 -
Chapter 19 -

Ok so I've been thinking about this for a while and just kept it a secret for so long but I guess there's a long journey to figuring out who you are as a person and my journey is with my gender. I've gone through so many ups and downs but I'm pretty sure I know who I am when it comes to my gender...
I don't feel as though I am female... which is hard because I've already got 2 kids and I'm not sure if they will understand. I identify as non-binary and probably have done for some time now. I'm thinking of changing my name but I'm not necessarily ready for that yet. I'm probably going to tell my kids today so wish me luck and i will tell Arizona and Callie and other people at work soon.

- 2pm 2 days after the 3 musketeers meet-
BEW- "hey how was it seeing Arizona and Callie again"
MW- "yeah it was amazing thanks"
BEW- "that's good, me and Oli enjoyed it so much"
MW- "I'm glad you did, now where is Oli anyway, I've got something that I would like to talk about with the 2 of you"
BEW- "omg is everything ok, please don't tell us that you're gonna die or that you're seriously ill or something"
MW- "woah no not that, it's something that I've been wanting to tell you but I haven't told anyone before and have only just accepted it myself"
OW- "ok what is it"
MW- "there you are Oli, ok so I wanted to tell you both together"
OW- "ok so tell us then"
MW- "alright so do you know what non binary means"
BEW- "yes isn't it where someone doesn't feel they're male nor female and identifies with neither and their pronouns would be they/them/theirs?"
MW- "yes well done, you're correct"
BEW- "thought so, so why are you mentioning it to us"
MW- "well I feel as though I identify as non- binary and wondered whether you are ok with that"
OW- "of course we are ok with it. Be who you want to be and we will support you"
BEW- "yeah exactly what Oli said and no matter what we both love you for who you are"
MW- "omg thank you so much. I'm honestly so grateful for you both and how you support me"
BEW- " no worries"
OW- "I do have a question tho. What do you want us to call you?"
MW- "at the moment Mom is ok but it could change at some point I'm afraid"
OW- "that's fine, me and Brooke understand"
MW- "thank you, I love you both so much"
OW and BEW- "I love you too"

Ok so I know who I like now and I really want to tell them. But the thing is, I like 2 people. And I don't know who to choose, maybe we could all be together but what if we all get judged, I don't want that. I have already admitted that I like Milly but I like Callie too. I know Milly likes both me and Callie so maybe it could work out. I might speak to Callie first and see what she says.

Ok so maybe I should tell Milly how I feel about her but I know I don't just like Milly. There will always be a place for Arizona in my heart so maybe I should talk to Arizona about all this.

CT- "Arizona, where are you"
AR- "with Sofia, what's up"
CT- "I need to talk to you so can you come downstairs once you are finished"
AR- "yeah sure, I need to talk to you too"
CT- "okay"

About 5 minutes later Arizona comes downstairs and into the lounge when I am and sits down next to me

AR- "hey so what's up, what do you want to talk about"
CT- "well what do you want to talk about"
AR- "you go first"
CT- "no you go"
AR- "ok fine, so I may or may not have started to develop feelings for Milly and"
CT- "WHAT, me too, are you kidding me"
AR- "wait seriously, you have feelings for her too"
CT- "yes that's what I was going to tell you, however there was something else too"
AR- "what is it"
CT- "I also have feelings for you again"
AR- "WHAT same"
CT- "no way. Okay so what are we gonna do about this. Shall we talk to Milly first because we know that Milly likes us both so maybe we should tell her the same"
AR- "yeah let's message her now and see if she can come over again"
CT- "yeah good idea"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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