Chapter 19: Kissing In The Dark

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I walked up the stairs to Kalynn and fell back on the bleachers. Why would he do this? Is he trying to tease me? What was his reasoning behind this? Especially since we were in public. I looked at Kaylan and handed her the popcorn, sighing she smiled and squealed. "I saw that, he totally spanked your ass!" Abby was on top of the bleachers across on my left she was on top of Sabrina and smiling and laughing. They both ran over towards me when they saw I returned.

"Oh, my, gosh" abby slowly stuttered, shaking my shoulders. "I know I don't want to think about this since he's practically my brother," they were close since they spent much time together, they were in chamber choir. "But does he like like you or not?"

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, I'm asking myself that same exact thing!" We all laughed but were interrupted by David yelling her name. Kaylyn and I rolled our eyes as as Sabrina followed. It was a surprise that Abby only asked us to come so she had a excuse to see David, it was obvious that she hasn't told her mother yet, not after her last boyfriend. Kaylyn looked up and saw my face, I had on my thinking look and she patted the seat text to me, mouthing "tell mama what's wrong!" Without even thinking I blurted it all out.

"I don't get him! One minute he is pinning me down to the ground and kissing me then all of a sudden he is scared and doesn't want to come out claiming he's not gay! Now what? He's smacking my ass and winking at me? What is his deal?" It turns out I was being really loud because Jared was blushing and staring at me. Abby was staring too and she had a look of sadness, getting up she ran over to me and hugged me as she sat down in the seat next to me. She started to talk but zoned out as Kaylyn started to go on about her crush Sean. I couldn't help but to stare at him. His beauty was incredible and I was so mesmerized. Kaylyn began to get up and Abby shouted "you going with her or staying?"

"Go where?" I asked and Kaylyn looked upset. "To go get my instrument? Mr. Former said were playing half time."

I followed her down and walked with her as she talked on and on about Sean. We were walking past people and people crowding the place until we reached the exit to the gym. I was staring at the air and just zoning off before I was awakened by the pull of my shoulder. Someone yanked me into the men's bathroom but it was dark and I couldn't see. "Hello?" I shouted but the shushed me and put a finger to my mouth. My eyes were getting used to the dark but it was still pitch dark and I couldn't make out their face. I felt a cold hand brush against my face and grabbed my check bones. All of a sudden their lips were placed upon mine. I began to kiss them back and whispered "Jared, stop," but Jared just kissed me again, this time kissing down to my neck. He began to kiss my neck really hard, biting and sucking it, he grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch. "No Jared stop it! Your confusing me and leading me on so stop!" I ran out of the stall and back into the entrance near the concessional stand.

Kaylyn was waiting and looked mad. "Why didn't you tell me you went to the bathroom! I was talking and didn't notice you were until you didn't answer my question! And why were you in the dark going to the bath-" she suddenly stopped talking when Johnnie, a really freshman walked out. "His hair is messed up and yours is to... And there's a mark on your neck there's a hickey.." She slapped me and sighed. I scanned the crowd and saw Jared watching us. Johnnie walked up behind me and grabbed me from behind, grabbing me and whispering "I'm not Jared..."

I saw as Kaylyn's mouth dropped open and Jared ran towards me really quick. He pushed Johnnie really hard and he fell back into the wall behind him. Johnnie got up and shouted "what the fuck man?" Jared raised his fist but I stopped him. I was really mad at him why the fuck is he causing a scene? We're not together, he made it clear. Abby ran up to us and he just stormed off.

"What the fuck happen?" She said as I helped Johnnie get back up.

Kaylyn beat me to the punch and screamed, "Why don't you ask these two? Kissing in the dark much?!" She stormed off and Abby raised her eyebrows to me.

"Well, this guy-" Abby interrupted me and shook her head.

"So you guys made out in the bathroom, Jared saw, got mad and wanted to beat you up Johnnie?" Abby laughed as Johnnie said 'pretty much' and I just walked away with Abby. Johnnie shouted "where are you going?" But his friend walked up to him asking if he was okay. For the rest of the night Jared kept glaring at me and I didn't know what the fuck to do.

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