Chapter 4: Telling the Group

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As I walked into the lunch room, about twenty tables filled the huge, open room. Scanning the tables, I found where Abby, David, and Kaylyn were sitting. I knew David since sixth grade when we first became friends, since there he's been my best friend. I met Abby seventh grade but didn't actually become friends until eighth grade. This year though, I became really good friends with her. Kaylyn I met in sixth grade and was really good friends in seventh grade but eighth grade we drifted off and didn't officially starting talking until last year but this year we became even closer. Now, I, David, Abby and Kaylyn are all best friends.

You couldn't miss Kaylyn because she was a redhead, well a brown redhead. David was a Puerto Rican and Abby was Mexican, but she didn't look it. They were always up close, holding hands or kissing, and Kaylyn was always yelling "PDA!!!!!" which always makes me laugh. As I walked to the table, I dodged two trash cans and forty book bags on the way.

When I arrived I sat down, took off my backpack and put it under the table as it should be, unlike the other people who just throw on the ground. I cleared my throat to get Abby and David's attention but only Kaylyn acknowledged it. "So, guys, guess what!" Kaylyn raised an eyebrow and just ignored me.

"Kevin, I think you should read this." Kaylyn handed me her phone and rubbed her hands together. "I know you're obsessed with him so this should be exciting, even though he isn't gay."

"Um," I started and started reading, "I am not obsessed."

"Kevin," Kaylyn choked on her laugh. Abby and David interrupted her.

"One, you are obsessed." Abby looked me in the eyes and David looked at his phone and then back at me. "All you talk about is Jared I mean me and Abby will be kissing and you'll say 'oh that's what Jared and I will be doing!' or if we'll hold hands or cuddle, you'll say the same thing!"

"Don't forget when he don't see Jared and says 'oh I'm so sad!'" Kaylyn laughed, making a sad voice at the end.

Rolling my eyes, I ignored them and climbed atop the table, placing my feet on the table and my head in my hands. Looking at them I smiled and loudly asked them, "Guess what?" They all just shrugged and I sighed hugely and smiled. "For real, Jared is in love with me!"

They just laughed and got up to get lunch since the line cooled down. "No, I'm not kidding!" I jumped off the table and followed them. "I'll prove it!"

Yesterday Night

I was taking a bubble bath, just listening to MDNA by Madonna and humming along to the track "Give Me All Your Luvin'" and smiling, thinking about Jared. The bathroom was decent sized, the bath fit me and the walls were white. The only bad thing was A. the toilet was next to the bath, and B. there was two sinks so I had to share my sink with my oldest brother, and he was a mess.

I got up after the track ended and looked at my iPhone. "One New iMessage" it read. It read "Hey Kevin :)" from a number I didn't recognize so I responded "Who is this?"

Quickly they responded.

Its Jared silly!

I replied:

I was just thinking of you ;)

Awh was it romantic or...

It was dirty ;)

I should come over, haha

SnapChat me: kevin21

Quickly, I got a SnapChat from him, I opened it and he was in a white undershirt showing his muscles. He sent another one, lifting up his shirt and showing his abs. I sent him one back showing I was in the bath. I waited a while before he texted me after opening it, "Maybe you should get out and we can FaceTime.

Back to Lunch

"And that night we were on FaceTime for five hours!" We were all eating chicken Nuggets and I showed them the texts, FaceTime call log and SnapChat's I screenshotted. They all laughed and cheered for me and gave me the phone back. "See, he is in love with me! We are in love!"

"That doesn't prove anything besides he is flirting!" Kaylyn finished her chicken nuggets and Abby and David agreed. The bell rang shortly afterward but Abby grabbed my arm.

"Hey," she pushed me towards her and David, "So Miss White told me something."

"Abby, don't!" David yelled but Abby hushed him.

"So you two were romantic huh?"

"What do you mean?" I asked her. My face was reddening I could tell.

"She said last year you wrestled and this year you two kissed at the piano?" Excitement littered her eyes and I just blushed. I ran off before I replied. Jared is not going to like this, Miss White is telling people?

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