Chapter 18: "Behind You Kevin!"

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It was the afternoon, I was walking up the hill from Abby's house with Kaylyn when we stopped in the middle of the street. We had been hanging out for a while that day but Abby thought of a brilliant idea. "Hey what time you have to leave?" she asked Kaylyn and I. We both looked at each other and gave Abby looks, she was just staring at her phone. Typing dramatically then looking up at us. "Because David's going to the basketball game and I kind of told him I wanted to go... and he wants me to go and uh..." We just gave her angry looks and she giggled. "We'll do you want to go?"

"Well I never been to a basketball game..." I pulled out my phone but Kaylyn interrupted my train of thought.

"We're going. Can your mom drive us?" Abby felt for her keys but couldn't find them. Her face turned bright red and she jet down the hill. Kaylyn and I followed and by the time we reached her house I was out of breath. She put her hands on the back glass door and just rested her head there staring at her dogs. "Lemme guess... Forgot your keys?"

Abby groaned in response and I pulled out my phone. Dialing my moms number, she answered after the fourth ring. "Hey mom can I go to the game with Abby?" Abby and Kaylyn were wiggling a credit card though the door trying to unlock it. Eventually she got and screamed in joy. My mom asked me
what happened but I just ignored it. "I'll be home my 11 is that fine?"

We were inside the house cleaning up before her mom got home while blasting Nicki Minaj, until her mom walked in on us from the front door. "Abby?" She yelled and we all froze. I turned off the music and Miss Robyn walked in. Her mom was a short woman. She worked on the post as a social worker, dealing with a bunch of drama. She adopts Abby at a very young age and gave her the life she deserved. "Who's all here?" She walked in and saw it was just us. She smiled and Abby ran up and hugged her. "What's all this? Hugging me first AND cleaning. You wants something, what is it?"

Abby turned red and sat down. "So we wanted to go to the game at school and wondered if you would drive us..."

"Do their parents know?" Abby quickly said yes but her mom asked us. We smiled and answered her questions. Her mom sat down and said, "well... Go on get ready!" Abby squealed and rushed upstairs, hugging her mom on the way. We all followed and talked while she got ready. After applying makeup, changing and arguing aka a hour later, we were in the car and headed to our high school.

The car ride was kind of short, besides the college talk and everything, we made it to the game a half hour early. By the time David got there and we sat down we decided to go to the gas station. The JV team played first and we were hungry.

"So Kevin," Kaylyn giggled as us four walked up the hill of stairs and around the school. The gas station is right down the street of our high school. "What's up with you and Jared?"

I hushed her and David - who was taking to Abby and totally ignoring us -
spoke up. "Hold up what do you mean 'what's going on'?"

I blushed and Abby looked over. "Well..." I started "I don't know at school a few weeks ago he totally wanted to come out but gotta hella scared when a few people were looking at us and hella blasted me. Telling me 'I'm not gay!' and shit. Now we're not even talking!"

We reached the gas station and David and I talked talked for a while. We got a few bags of chips and a few drinks and headed back. Eating on they way there, we reached the entrance and threw away our trash. The variety game was starting and we walked to our seats.

It was half time and after tons of shouting, Kaylyn was walking up to where the band was and decided to perform with them. She took over Terence, a friend of ours, and played the drums. After a few songs she smiled and whispered "hey Kevin, get me a popcorn please?" I laughed as she smiled a wide and happy smile.

"Only because I'm a good friend!" I laughed as she clapped of excitement. Walking down the stairs and into the entrance, towards the condensation stand, I got out my wallet. Brandon was working there and quickly chirped up.

"Kevin!!" He was loud and happy. "Hey totally buy a bag of jumbo popcorn!"

"You're in luck because I actually want a bag." He smiled and we exchanged the dollar for the popcorn. Turning around I saw Danielle and walked up to her.

"Kevin!!" She squealed and took some popcorn after I did. "Hey guess what?"

Knowing Danielle I knew what is was. "You finally bought Ariana Grande tickets!"

Smiling she squealed. "Yes!! Sorry we all can't get them on pre-sale like you, but at least I got them!"

I laughed and turned around back to the game. The buzzer went off and the game began. Taking my time I walked all the way and just ate some popcorn. Turning up about to go up the stairs I saw Abby and Kaylyn go off shouting. I couldn't comprehend it so I read their lips.

"Behind you, OMG, Kevin behind you!" Turning around I saw him. Jared. He had his saxophone in his hands. I totally forgot that he played an instrument in the band! He smiled and looked at me, "Excuse me..." He tried getting past but I walked up in front of him cutting him off. Slowly walking up the stairs, I heard him sigh. Eventually when it was his row smiled.

Slapping my ass, I turned around and saw him. He winked at me and I just stood there. Watching him sit down and take out his saxophone and looked over his shoulder at me and smiled. Looking both ways, checking to see if anyone was watching, he winked.

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