Chapter 2: The Journey to the Truth

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For the longest time he was in denial. When  I say longest I mean 17 years. Right now in the point of the story he's still in the closet. But we'll get there I promise.

It's been about a month now and we've been helping each other out with the music. It's his first year in choir so I was mainly helping him. But after the first week of "hey can you help me with this?" And "what does she mean?" I finally made conversation.

"So.. Jared, what grade are you in?" I slowly dragged the question. He smiled his famous smile, showing his perfect white teeth.

"I'm, uh, a junior, and you?" I giggled at him. Just looking at his outfit I knew he was a good boy, he always wore converse (I noticed a trend of blue, black, white, and red) and on Tuesdays he wore plaid, Monday's he wore the sweater and undershirt and Wednesday's thru Friday's it's his "surprise" for me, well at least I thought so (it actually was a surprise for me, I asked later on). "Why are you laughing?" He grinned at me, biting his bottom lip.

"Well I'm obviously a Freshman!" He was obviously flirting with me, I mean that lip bite was just a obvious one.

"Well I couldn't tell, you're not as immature as most." He winked at me just then before the bell and Miss White interrupted up for stretches. Every time we stretched I always looked at Jared because he would stretch a little to high and reveal his abs and happy trail. Boy was he a flirter.

He always told me I was his first guy he flirted with. I was surprised. Me, of all the people, why? That's when it happened.

It was the day of Halloween and we were the last people in Choir. I was putting my binder in my book bag when Jared walked over to me.

He smiled at me again and just waited. "Can I help you?" I asked him, not really sure why he was standing there, but I liked it, his presence made me smile.

"Well, you know how I'm a wrestler?" He asked. Confused, I asked what he meant. "Well... We kinda need to recruit people and I was wondering, do you... Uh... Like to wrestle?"

I instantly responded with a flirt. "Why don't you find out!" I jumped up from the ground and grabbed his legs. Falling back, he hit his head against the carpet. I went to check if he was okay, but he rolled over, grabbed me. Thinking he had me locked, I quickly moved away and held tight to his legs so he couldn't move. Laughing, he wiggled free and started tickling me. "Surrender!" I shouted but he just laughed and tickled harder. Laughing non-stop he climbed on top of me and we locked eyes. "You surrender huh?" He laughed.

"Yes sir, all yours now!" I giggled and smiled. There was a great silent but he gradually climbed closer and closer. I smelt his minty breath, the heat combining with mine. We were both breathing real hard now. He slowly placed his lips upon mine. It was my first kiss but I felt as if it was my hundredth. I rolled over, now on top of him, our lips still locked, I let go for a split second to catch a glance at his body, but the front doors opened and interrupted us.

Before I could call his name he was getting his book bag and gathering his stuff. Miss White walked over to her computer without even noticing us. He was running out of the door before I could even say goodbye, slamming the door behind him, making Miss White flinch. "Oh, I didn't even know you guys were in here!"

"I-I was just leaving I guess." My leg vibrated, making me flinch. I pulled out my phone. "Oh great," I whispered. It was my brother complaining where I was. "I'm on my way."

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