Chapter 11: The Apology

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Dorian fell to the ground and felt her cheek, she was bleeding a little. Jared and Ryan ran over to check what happened. Ryan was asking Kaylyn and Jared and I helped Dorian up. "What happened?" Jared asked me.

"That bitch slapped me!" Dorian pushed to Kaylyn but we held her back. "Stop, I should punch that bitch!"

"You called me a bitch!" Kaylyn started, "of course I'd slap you! It's not my fault he asked me on a date and not you!"

Dorian started crying and we set her down on the seat. Kaylyn turned red and quickly apologized. "I'm sorry; I shouldn't have slapped you... or even said that."

Dorian turned around and faces me. "No, I'm sorry..." She turned back around. "I shouldn't have called you a slut..."

Kaylyn side eyed her and Ryan, "you called me a slut?"

"No, but I should have." Dorian smiled and turned to her, "I'm kidding." I got up and went back to the table, "what?" Jared and Ryan and Kaylyn followed me and she did too.

As we arrived the waitress, a tall blonde, walked over "You guys want anything to drink?" We went around the table, Kaylyn and I ordered Dr. Pepper, Jared and Ryan ordered Watermelon and Dorian ordered a Sprite. When she arrived with the drinks we all ordered their famous Cheeseburger and Fries.

"So about that slap..." Dorian started, "you have a pretty good hand!" The rain started pouring even harder now. You could see it through the window and hear it against the window. Kaylyn laughed and I lay in Jared's chest. The waitress walked over, her heels clicking, and set the plates down. "Would you want anything else, ketchup or anything?" I asked for ketchup and Jared asked for Ranch.

"On second thought... Get me ranch too!" I smiled up at Jared and he smiled back at me, pecking a kiss upon my lips.

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