Chapter 15: The Dream

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...Jared's POV...

I was waking up just thinking about how my life had ended up and honestly I was appalled. Not because of Kevin, he was everything to me, it's just I'm Mormon and I'm supposed to think that being gay is wrong, that no one really is gay their just greatly confused or crazy or something... Something Mormons would think but Kevin made something click. He helped me realize that people can be gay without being crazy or confused, that I was gay, that I was normal and that I shouldn't judge people. I mean my own brother accepted me!

Kevin was wrapped around me, smiling at me and I just couldn't help myself, I leaned over and planted a wet kiss upon his forehead. "You're my everything you know that?"

Smiling, he kissed me back and whispered, "No you're my everything!" I thought back to my dream I had and smiled. Kevin asked me what I was thinking about, usual him always getting curious at every emotion I show. By now he should know I'm natural a happy person and just smile at everyone but he didn't catch on. I often thought about how he's always the center of my attention that when I'm smiling at someone I'm really smiling at Kevin's thought in my mind.

"Well," I started and thought back to where it started. "So I had a dream, it was about this morning. My parents came home early and they found us in bed... First my mom did and she screamed. You ran into the bathroom - naked by the way - and listened to our conversation. Next you fell out of the bathroom and she introduced herself. My father came running in and he was all excited because he knew I was gay and Kaylyn and Ryan were all there and it was just... Everything I wish would happen."

Kevin just smiled and looked at me. His smiled haunted me and I couldn't help but rub his arms. He lost a lot of weight since last year, he got in shape and now was really skinny, about ten pounds bigger than me. I smiled as he aroused, I could feel his hard penis on my leg. But I wasn't in the mood to do this again so I climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Kevin was left on the bed under the sheets staring at my butt. He was quite the fun one, always wanting to do something that I wouldn't ever do. I couldn't help but do them of course because it made him happy and that's all I wanted.

I took a shower, the warm water and steam loosening my muscles; and dried off, wrapping the towel around my waist. Kevin came in giggling and staring at my abs as he walked into the shower and I couldn't help but stare at him. He caught my eye and laughed even more. "Want to join me?"

Quickly looking away and took control and denied his request. After I brushed my teeth and put on a fresh pair of pants and a muscle shirt, he finished the shower. Picking out a cologne I sprayed it on me. Kevin walked out and dried off, asking if I had any spare clothes. "Yeah just pick anything out. The maid will be here in a few minutes so let's get some lunch, you can leave last nights clothes here and she'll wash them."

"Oh wow, a maid, and free laundry! Ha, well I'll return these tomorrow, wash them tonight." He was always joking with me but I liked it. He put on a pair of khakis and a red plaid shirt. I loved his style, even though I'd never dare wear that.

"It's fine, keep 'em, I have plenty of clothes anyway." Kevin just smiled and put on his shoes. We started walking out of my bedroom and down the stairs. It was funny looking at his facial expressions every time we walked past something coming down the stairs.

As we reached the kitchen I took out two glasses and filed them with water, we had no soda in the house. "So, what do you want for lunch?" We had about everything he could want it was just the 'what' exactly he would pick.

"You pick, surprise me!" He smirked and I winked back at him. I loved him so much, I don't think I could ever live without him, no lie. I took out the toaster and a stack of cheese and ham. Deciding on making grilled cheeses I waited to see if he'd protest.

After making four I put everything away and sat down handing him his plate. "If you want any chips I have some." I was acting really awkward but I tried not to. It was weird getting used to this whole gay thing but I didn't know how to react. I sounded stupid I know. "Do you like grilled cheeses?"

"Not really..." He paused and I felt bad for making them. "But you do so I'll eat them!" He winked at me and my heart dropped. It's... That's polite. I know I wouldn't eat them if I was him but it's about being a good boyfriend and that's what he is doing.

As we we finished our sandwiches everything was back to normal, as normal as it could be. He was lying in my lap and I looked at the clock. "Oh no!" He sat up and I took our dishes, putting them into the dish washer and cleaning the counter. The front door opened and my parents walked inside. "Jared? Oh Jared, how have you been?" My mom kissed my cheek and hugged me. She was in her red dress and red high heels. My father walked over and hugged me, in his suite, the jacket in his hands and his white dress shirt and black tie and black dress pants to match.

"I'm doing good, this is uh, Kevin my friend." What was I supposed to say? My boyfriend? They'd kill me and kick him out probably. They smiled and introduced themselves while he put a fake smile on. I saw right thru him and I couldn't help but beat myself up.

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