Chapter 6: Ready

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I walked down the hall talking to Jared as he winked at me and stopped. He looked at me and I stopped too, he needed to say something. "Is everything okay?" I asked him. He just smiled at me and winked again. Boy I loved his smile, it just made me smile!

Finally he spoke, his beautiful voice echoed. "I think I'm ready to.. Come out." I thought I'd never hear those words! Finally, he's ready! "I really," he took my hands when he said this, "I really like you and I want to hug you, kiss you, hold hands and everything in public. Who cares what they think!" Was he messing with me? I loved this so much, he makes me happy! He makes me smile! He's almost ready.

"I'll be here; I'll help you, together, me and you. It'll be hard but don't worry, I'll be there." I smiled. It was a miracle! I was blushing and he noticed. He places his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me closer. There were people at the end of this hall and he didn't care. He pulled me into a hug and I could feel his smile. "I'm ready."

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