Chapter 20: The Argument

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There was a lot of distance between me and Jared for awhile, the occasional smile and hello but that was all for a while. Then one day he decided to spark the fire.

It was the middle of March and I had just gotten used to coming to terms with his absence - I mean we weren't together and barely had any memories but there was a memory I didn't tell you. It was the time we kissed and he told me he loved me. It hurts to think about it but he held my hand and kissed me, as I laid in his hands and he rocked me. He broke in tears and told me how he was afraid of what was happening because he didn't want to be gay but he loved me and he never felt this way with a girl.

It's been four months since we last talked but that all changed now.

I was walking to choir like I usually did after third period. But today I was happy, it was different. My friends were laughing at me for being hyper today, but they were just happy to have me back. Walking in the door right away I knew what was different, it was Jared, he was standing there in his seat like old times. Before he'd switch with someone but today he waited for me. After I reached my seat warm ups started up and he handed me a crumbled piece of paper.

"What's this?" I whispered but was hushed by a tenor.

He smiled and ignored me. A few seconds later his smiled enlarged and he giggled, "Read it!" He whispered. I did as he did and smiled. Tossing it back to him, I replayed the image in my head. 'MEET ME IN THE PRACTICE ROOM AFTER CLASS'. He looked at me for a few seconds before saying my name. "So, are you going to be my partner or what?" I gave him a confused looked and asked him for what and he just giggled. "She asked us to match up with someone not in your octave and practice harmonizing."

Shortly after doing so, much giggling and less working, we returned to our seats and practice our pieces for contest. The bell was about to ring in a few minutes and I decided to stay after like he asked. Everyone shuffled out of the classroom and when I was left alone I walked out and into the hallway leading to the band room and the two practice rooms. I saw his face through the clear see-through door and stopped. Was I really going to do this? Does he expect me to just jump into this sort of thing?

He saw me standing there and motioned me to come in. A smiled grew upon his face and he got excited, he started saying a few things but I couldn't hear any of it, my mind to wrapped up on him and his beautiful smile. No! Kevin, you can't fall under this trap! He reached out and grabbed my hand, kissing it and apologizing but I ignored all of it. "I have a song for you," he started saying and explained about how he started writing it and the process. I just smiled and let him roam on. Before I knew it, he let go of my hand and started playing a chord on the piano. The chord lead to another and another before he started singing.

His singing was beautiful as always but I couldn't handle this. A tear slowly rolled down my cheek gliding against the skin. He didn't even notice, he was to wrapped up in his stupid song. He just kept singing as one tear turned to two which turned to three and four at a time. I ran out of the room and into the hall. Trying to find the exit, I ran through it like it wasn't there and he followed.

He saw me in the hallway and gave me a look. He saw the tears and stepped forward but I warned him not to. "What's wrong?" He asked me, trying to step forward again but I yelled at him.

"Do you honestly believe after four months of not talking you can just sing me a song and I'll just forgive you?" He looked confused and started freaking out.

"It's that stupid Johnnie kid isn't it? What, you two like a thing now?" He barked at me, his voice growing louder by each word.

Tears rolled down my face like a faucet now, they just kept rolling down. "If you had the decency to ask me you'd know that he fucking kissed me, it was dark and he pulled me into the bathroom, I thought it was you!" I threw my hands in the air and hit him. "You idiot! You didn't even ask what happened you just assumed!"

He backed up and breathed. "I'm the idiot?" He stepped forward and leaned into me. "I wasn't the one kissing in the dark!"

"Oh fuck you!" I slapped him and quickly regretted it. He turned real red and slammed me into the door. Holding his hand in the air, he punched me and threw me against him and shook me. "Don't you dare call me a idiot!"

I fell to the ground and felt blood rush down from my nose. He ran off down the hall and just left me there, sitting against the door. Alone.

Choir Boys ForeverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon