Chapter 10: Slapping Her

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Ryan took out the chair for her and when she sat down he pushed it in. "So Jared, Kenny, this is Kaylyn, Kaylyn this is Jared and Kenny." We all giggled and shook hands. Ryan was confused and looked at us, "what?"

We all laughed even more which made him get a little mad. Finally I broke I told him, "Jared has band with her and I sit with her at lunch so we both know her." Ryan felt embarrassed but we just laughed it off. Dorian was quiet and finally she looked up from her phone, "Kenny guess what -" she looked at Ryan, not knowing he was there and made a weird noise that sounded like a choke, but with a sneeze noise added in there. "I didn't know you invited people..."

"Hey, I'm Ryan and this is Kaylyn!" Kaylyn laughed even harder this time. "Oh... You know her as well?"

We all laughed this time and Dorian rolled her eyes. "Anyways Kevin guess what!" I looked at her phone and she pulled it away, "no guess!" I didn't know what to say and she just rolled her eyes. "Never mind then."

Jared was trying to say something, I could tell by his body language but he didn't know how to ask it, so I helped him out. "You want to ask something?"

He looked astounded when I asked him. "How did you know?"

"Well your body language rings the 'I want to say something but don't know how too'."

"Well... Ryan how'd you know I was gay?" I was silent this time and Kaylyn butted in.

"Same way I knew Kevin was gay, you just know. Plus he's your brother so he knows more than you think." Classy Kaylyn, I loved how she was so... so... so fancy.

"Yeah, I kind of just figured you were, I mean you're really picky about your body, always clean and you're really feminine. Plus the way you talk." Ryan added. Jared just stood there and Ryan grabbed Kaylyn's hand. I glanced at Dorian and noticed she was rolling her eyes at Ryan and Kaylyn.

"Dorian, are you okay?" I asked her and Kaylyn added "Yeah you look mad."

Ryan and Jared looked at each other and then her. She saw them and ran off. What the heck? She was halfway down to the door when I grabbed her arm.

She pulled but I pulled hard. Finally she just stopped and turned around. She was crying. "Dorian..." There were seats near the entrance and I sat her down. "Dorian what is wrong?"

She looked at her hands and just ignored me, wiping her tears. "Dorian what is wrong?" I shouted this time.

Sighing she wiped her tears again and looked at me. "Well for one I'm like the fifth wheel, or whatever you'd call it, everyone's all affectionate and I'm like 'oh look at me I'm single'"

"Well we'll find you someone and plus it's not like a date!" She punched my arm and I laughed. "But that's not the only thing, you wouldn't run off and cry like this over being alone."

She swung her legs back and forth and sat back on the seat. Finally she got up and I did too. "It's just that," she looked over at Jared and quickly back at me. "He's with that bitch and not me."

I heard Kaylyn snort and she walked over to Dorian. "I..." She was mad, "I am not the bitch here. You are!" Quickly and hard she slapped Dorian.

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