Chapter 6| Monica Huh?

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**Brooke's POV**

I arrived at a nice house and parked my car in an open space next to three other cars. I walked to the door and knocked with my fist since they didn't have a doorbell. "He'll dear, I'm Mrs. Leca, and you are?" A woman asked that seemed to be in her late 30's. "Hi I'm Brooke, my mom, Nancy Ortega, said she was really good friends with you." I said smiling at the nice lady. "Oh yes. You are here to babysit Monica, correct?" She asked and I replied.

She walked me to the living room and told me that Monica is taking a nap and to not wake. She then waved goodbye and left the house. I turned on the tv and started to watch criminal minds.

Soon I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and a tall boy with brown hair and bright green eyes looked at me confused then smiled.

"Hi, I'm Cameron. I'm guessing your the new babysitter." He said shaking my hand. "Yes, my name is Brooke." I said smiling. "Ok, so basically I'm having some friends over for a small party. Don't worry about Monica she sleeps until morning." he said and i furrowed my eyebrows. "Do you always do this?" I asked with a smirk playing on my face.

Cameron quirked his eyebrow and spoke, "are you in?" I giggled a little but then nodded my head "yeah, I guess"

"CHA-CHING" he screamed and did the hand motions. I laughed at his action and he game me a warm hug, something I've been needing today. I climbed into him as if my life depended on it and we stayed there for quite awhile.


**Cameron's Pov**

I walked down the stairs expecting to see Vicky. Vicky is Monica's babysitter and she is absolutely disgusting. She legit tried to rape me.

Well anyway, when I walked down the stairs I saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. She had blonde wavy hair and bright shining blue eyes. I put my hand out for her to shake and introduced myself. She did the same and u decided to tell her my party plans for tonight and she agreed.

I called up some friends and told them the plans and they were in.


Soon everyone arrived and my friend John brought 10 boxes of pizza and my friend Sam brought salad. who knows why.

We sat down and made plates and went to the hot tub and decided to play truth or dare.

Everyone seemed to get along with Brooke. Well, except my girlfriend Sam. Her name is really Samantha but who cares.

I wasn't really paying attention to the game until my name got called. "Cam, truth or dare?" Aaron asked. "Dare" I said confidently. "I dare you to.... kiss Brooke!" He said and the roomed filled with 'oooh' sand Samantha's face looked like she was about to explode. I cupped Brooke's delicate face in my hand and kissed her passionately and she kissed back. I could feel the Sparks flying through my body and we stayed like that for at least 30 seconds.


So that was kinda a filler chapter but what do you think Aam is going to do?

Thank you so much for reaching my last goal.

New goal,

90 reads?


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