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(Mentions of sex)

"Wait you want me to watch Jimin have sex with someone?"

~ Taehyung ~

~ Taehyung ~

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Taehyungs POV

"Do you think you could ask my parents for me to get me someone to hook up with?"

My heart sunk hearing Jimins request.

Of course he wants to hook up with someone but what hurts a bit more is that he's not referencing to me.

I am supposed to be his friend and not secretly in love with him.

"A-ah sure" I said trying to not sound upset even though my smile was disappearing.

"Thanks. I just don't want to talk to my parents myself about it" Jimin said to me.

They are evil so I understand why he wouldn't want too.

"I will go give your mother a call as they aren't home currently" I said getting up from Jimin's bed.

Jimin nodded and watched me walk out.

I gripped my chest once I closed his bedroom door as my heart constricted while aching.

God I need to learn he doesn't want me.

I stumbled too the computer room and then sat down in a chair as my legs gave out.

I took a deep breath before I typed in Mrs Parks phone number on the phone she supplied me with.

"Hello Taehyung. Is everything okay?" She asked picking up the phone call after a couple of rings.

"Um yes. Just Jimin wanted me to ask you something" I stated with hot tears blurring my eyes.

"Oh what is it?" She asked.

"He wants to hook up with someone" I said gritting my teeth.

"Oh. Wow. Okay. Um well I could possibly pay for someone to come over for him to play around with however we would need to have someone watch" She said pausing.

"Taehyung I want you to watch so you can find out the truth about Jimin not in his presence. Then maybe you will understand why I keep Jimin inside as I understand you both went for a run through the house and backyard today" She stated.

Of course she is expecting whoever he hooks up with to turn to stone so she wants me to watch it happen so I'm aware of the risks.

She is willing to start giving me the truth which may help me get answers for Jimin.

"Wait you want me to watch Jimin have sex with someone?" I asked shocked.

"Yes. I will order someone to come around tomorrow but can you go ask Jimin what gender he wants the person to be because we don't know his sexual orientation. And then just text me the answer" She explained.

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