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Some of you may find this chapter distressing, if so skip over the uncomfortable parts.

"I'm scared Taehyung, please help me. What do I do?" 

~ Jimin ~

~ Jimin ~

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Taehyung's POV

"Hi Taehyung, how's it going?" I heard Junghee ask sweetly through the phone.

"Where the fuck is Jimin?" I grumbled.

"What do you mean!?" She squeaked confused.

"Jimin is fucking gone and their are marks on our door room to suggest someone broke in and took him and his parents are the only ones who wanted him" I snapped angrily.

"I'm very sorry Taehyung but Jimin's parents haven't even been home to notice Jimin's absence, only Chiwon and I know and we have both promised to keep it a secret to give you all the best chance to get away" She muttered.

"Hold up they don't know we left?" Jungkook gasped hearing what she was saying.

"They don't yet" She answered.

"So your telling me someone else must have taken my Jimin?" I snorted angrily.

"Yes, kidnapping to rape someone or get their money does happen in the city, it's a reason I always walk with my son whenever I take him because I want to protect him" Junghee mentioned.

"Holy shit" I gasped clenching my heart.

My boyfriend... Kidnapped while I could do nothing but be a statue... No way...

"Let me check if Jimin's phone location is on, then you can go there and get him however I can't promise you anything pretty if they chipped away at the door just to get him" She stated.

"Jungkook go check for his phone in here" I demanded and he walked away into the bedroom as I leaned against the wall by the door.

"His phone location is on, it seems he's at the cemetery close to where you are staying because yes you have your location on. I purposely added it" She exclaimed.

"How do we get there?" I asked.

"Type it into your gps and run. I don't want to find out Jimin's dead" Junghee hummed.

"Okay thank's, I will call you back" I said hanging up.

"Jungkook come" I demanded as he walked swiftly back to me.

I typed into the gps to find the directions to the cemetery. 

Then I grabbed Jungkooks wrist, locked the door and ran with him down the road.

I looked down at my phone and saw Junghee sent through a picture exactly where he is in the cemetery.

"God this feels spooky already if he's been taken to a cemetery" Jungkook huffed as we slowed down to enter the cemetery.

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