chapter 1: Welcome to republic city(rewrite complete)

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Earth... Fire...Air...Water

When I was a boy, my father avatar aang told me the story of how he and his friends and the united nations heroically ended the hundred year war.

Avatar aang,Fire lord zuko and the united nations transformed the fire nation colonies into the united republic of nations, a society where benders and non-benders from all over the world could live and thrive together in peace and harmony.They name the capital of this great land "republic city".

Avatar aang accomplished many remarkable things in his life, but sadly his time in this world came to an end.But before avatar aang's adulthood, the united nations suddenly vanished and leaving notes and papers wrote that they no longer need us anymore. And the portal between earth and hibit world is now cut off by the united nations. But like the cycle of the seasons,the cycle of the avatar began anew.

Chapter 1: Welcome to republic city

It's nighttime in the southern water tribe, and three cloaked men enters the village and approach the many igloos.They approach one specifically as a muscular men opens.

Tonraq: The white lotus has honored my family by coming.Thank you.

Senna: Welcome.

White lotus leader: We have investigated many claims,both here and in the northern tribe.All have turned out to be false

Senna:Then you should be happy to know,your search has come to an end.

White lotus leader: What makes you so sure your daughter is the "one"?.

Senna:Korra, please come in here.

Rocks fly past as the wall is kicked open,as a little water tribe girl enters the room.

Toddler korra: I'm the Avatar,you gotta deal with it!.

White lotus leader:.....huh...

Years pass as the young korra is now a fully fledge beautiful well endowed women,who just kicked the butts of three fire benders.At the north pole station,a very similar women with loops and a kind heart smiles.

Gran-gran katara: she's strong

White lotus leader:She lacks restraints.

Korra:Woo hoo!Hey,why all the doom and gloom people?We should be celebrating!Three element's down one to go.

Firebender master: You're getting ahead of yourself as usual korra.We haven't decided if you passed your firebending test yet.

White lotus leader: Ever since you were a little girl, you've excelled at the physical side of bending,but completely ignored the spiritual side.The avatar must master both.

Korra: I've haven't ignored it.It just doesn't come as easy to me.But that's why I should start training with tenzin immediately.He's "mister spiritual".

White lotus leader:Do you believe she's ready master katara?

Gran-gran katara:Yes.If anyone can teach her what she needs to learn, it's tenzin.

White lotus leader: Very well, korra.Its time for you to begin your airbending training.

Korra Yes! Finally!I mean....Thank you all for believing in me.

Outside of a random building a small camera zoomed in

Southern water tribe, location: Unknown


????:sir do you want some coffee?

????????:no need thank you very much.

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