Chapter 4: The 'attack'

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Earth. Fire. Air. Water

Only the avatar master of all four elements could bring balance to the world.

Chapter 4: The 'attack'

At the pro bending arena training facility, korra,bolin and mako are preparing for their early gaming match.

Korra: what's the big idea with making me train this early in the morning? The morning is evil!

Bolin: we're the rookies so we get the worst time slot in the gym.

Mako: and you're the rookies of us all. We gotta get you up to speed if you want to survive in the tournament. Deal with it!

Mako tosses the ball hard to korra,who gets annoyed.

Korra: you deal with it!!

A man enters the room.

????: There you are my little hard working street urchins. It's an honor to finally meet you, avatar.

Korra: and you are?...

Butakha: butakha! I run this whole pro-bending shebang. Here's your winnings from last match. Ahah! Not so fast. First, you owe me for the avatar's new gear,ha,gym and equipment's rentals for last month. Ahah! Rent on your apartment,and a personal loan for groceries.

Mako turns on bolin,who shrugs.

Bolin: what!? I'm a growing boy!!

Butakha: oh! One more small item of business. The fire ferrets need to ante up 30,000 yuan's for the final tournament.

Bolin: 30,000 yuan's!!??

Butakha: sorry kids. You've got till the end of the week to come up with the dough,or else, you're out of the tournament.

As butakha leaves the room.

Bolin: you wouldn't happen to have a secret avatar bank account,over flowing with gold, would you?

Korra: I got nothing. I've never really needed money. I've always had people taking care of me.

Mako: then I wouldn't say you have nothing.

Korra: sorry, I didn't mean......

Bolin: no,it's alright. It's just....ever since we lost our parents, we've been on our own.

Korra: I'm so sorry, I didn't know.

Mako: so anyway,how are we going to come up with the money?

Bolin: oh! Oh! I got it! I've been training pabu to do circus trick's. Now people would pay good money to see that.

Mako: come,on bolin. We need serious ideas.

Bolin: I was serious.

Republic city location: unknown

????: Captain,this is seagull (codename) over.

????: Seagull this is captain over?

????: Captain, we need an f 18 to layout of the republic city over.

????: Why?

????: The map is now outdated and we need another layout of the republic city over.

????: Copy that,over.

????: Thank you.

The second fleet location: unknown.

Time: sunset(5:40)

In the aircraft carrier an f 18 is in the position to take off.

????: 7-galileo you're clear to take off.

Inside of the f 18, a man in his young 20s is talking to the navy commissioner.

????: Copy that.

And then the f 18 takes off.

Time: night(7:33)

In the skies of the republic city an f 18 is taking an layout of the republic city.

????:man,the city sure is beautiful tonight.

While his is taking another layout of the republic city. One of the engine's broke down, the sound of the emergency alarm woke him up from mesmerizing the city.

????: Oh sh*t. May day,may day, this is 7-galileo one of the engine's broke down I repeat one of the  engine's broke down over.

Navy commissioner: what!? One of the engine's broke down!?

????: Yes!! One of the engine's broke down. I can still steer but can go up!! Permission to land on the cities park over!?

The navy crew looks one the other crew then he nodded to the crew.

Navy commissioner: permission granted don't land on the civilians over!!

????: Copy that!!

In the ground of the republic city.

A girl is holding her mom's hand while eating ice cream then she saw something in the sky.

Girl: mommy what's that?

The girl points in the sky.

Mom: what do you mean?

Girl: look!

The mom hears something in the sky then she looks up.

Mom: oh my god.

Many civilians look up then sees an flying object while on fire.

Man: oh my god!! What's that!!

Many civilians screams and awe as the object crash into the republic cities park.

While the civilians look over to the park an white parachute slowly touches the top of the building.

Jacob: sh*t. The commander is gonna be mad about this...

In the air temple island after the 'attack'.

While tenzin is talking to the white lotus warrior's Korra's back.

Tenzin: thank goodness. I was just about to send our a search party when I heard an explosion. Are you alright?

Korra: Nuh uh.

Tenzin: what happened? Did you find your friend?

Korra: yes,but. I was at an equalist rally. I saw Amon.

Tenzin: what?

Korra: he can take people's bending away. For good.

Tenzin: that's.....that's impossible. Only the avatar has that possess that ability.

Korra:but I saw him do it.

Tenzin: I believe you. I don't know how Amon has achieved this power. But this means the revolution is more dangerous than ever. No bender is save.

White lotus sentries warrior: master tenzin, I have an emergency news!

Tenzin: what is it?

White lotus sentries warrior: there is an attack in republic city!

Tenzin: what.Is it the equalist!?

White lotus sentries warrior: isn't.

To be continued...


Thank you so much for reading this chapter oh and there would be some gore language in this series but thank you so much for reading this!!

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