chapter 7: Operation Valkyrie's part 1

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Earth. Fire. Air. Water

Only the avatar master of all four elements could bring balance to the world.

Chapter 7: Operation Valkyrie's part 1.

It's been several days or weeks, asami sato found out that her father is working with the terrorist group, the equalist attack the pro bending arena. Korra has been kidnapped by councilman tarrlok who is a blood bender!! And naga frickin save a sick fever agent!

Ok, let me explain.

Le flashback....

In the snowy mountain a man wearing a thicc jacket and winter boots. He is wearing a glasses and a mask and a backpack. He is leaning in a tree.

????: Ok...ok [ coughing] I need to find the regain.... my....honor...[sneeze]

Take 2!🎬

????: Ok.. ok I need to find the avatar before it gets worse [coughing].. and need to regroup my team... where are they.

The man has a fever but the commander Andrei thought he was fine and sent him and the team to the mountain anyway.

Another Le flashback......

Location: unknown.

A man in his 20s is heading to the commander Andrei's room.

????: Sir? What's the problem, sir?

Andrei: ahh.. agent Jake you're here.

Jake: sir, why you sent me here[coughing].

Andrei: you're going to rescue avatar korra.

Jake: but sir, how, and do I have a team assistant sir?

Andrei: yes, you will have a team ready. You and the team will go to the mountain to rescue the avatar.

Jake: but sir...

Andrei: hm..

Jake: I.... Have... Uhh... Nevermind mind sir. When will the operation to move a out and rescue the avatar?

Andrei: 10 minutes. And be sure to be ready agent.

Jake: yes sir. [ Cough ]

Andrei: are you alright?

Jake: I'm alright sir. Just coughing nothing to special.

Andrei: alright then.

Then Jake leaves the room.

10 minutes later
In the snowy mountain.
Time: nighttime (10:30 pm)

The team is now in the mountains while there is a snowy weather. Jake's team is only about 16 people including Jake.

Jake: ok team listen up! We will split into 8 teams, we will rescue the avatar. Reconnaissance says that the avatar is somewhere in this mountain. She is being held in a cabin not far from us. But due to this weather condition. The drone's can't detect where she is. So we will rescue her now. We have not enough time. But we can rescue her right away! Let's move out!

The 8 teams began to search. The special agent forces began  walking up and down,left to right in the mountains to find the avatar.

Jake's fever is beginning to worsen as he started to vomit and falls over, one of the agent runs towards him and says.

Agent: sir,sir!, Are you alright!? Sir,oh no.

The agent began to talking the radio.

Agent: hello,hello! This is leader hawk 1 do you copy, over!?

No one is answering.

Agent: sir, I will find the others to help alright?

Jake: go... Find the others to help me. I'll be fine.

Agent: ok sir.

The agent began run to find the others.

Jake lean's into a tree.

Jake: ok..ok I need to find the avatar before it gets worse [coughing] .. and need to regroup my team... Where are they.

As he closed his eyes to sleep,he saw a big white figure coming towards him. Then he passes out from his fever.

Naga and korra pov

She is walking to find korra. She then found a sick man wearing white coat suit leaning into a tree. She sniff the man and licks him. Then she pick him up.

She then later found korra laying down into a tree.

Naga then runs towards her then licks her.

Korra: naga you came back looking for me,good girl,huh..

Korra saw a man in a white coat suit.

She hops on naga and they going back to republic city.

In the skies of republic city, tenzin,mako, bolin, asami and Lin are searching for korra in the republic city. Then mako hears Naga's howl.

Mako: that's sounds like naga!

Tenzin turns the bison to the left.

Mako: Down there!

As the bison lands they immediately runs towards them.

Tenzin: korra! Thank goodness.

Lin: where's tarrlok? How did you get away? And who's that guy in the back of you?

Mako: give her some space!

Mako then held korra into his arms then heading to the bison.

Mako: I was so worried. Are you alright?

Korra: I'm fine. I'm glad you're here.

As mako lay korra down.

They turn around to see the man wearing a white coat suit.

Tenzin: oh my goodness.... I can't believe it...

In the mountains.

Agent: this way quickly!

Agent 2: where's the captain?

The other agent turn around and says.

Agent 3: tell commander Andrei that agent Jake has been kidnapped.

Location: conference room.

In the meeting room all personal is looking at the agent.

Andrei: what happened to Jake?

Agent 3: we don't know. We think he is kidnapped.

Andrei sighs and says.

Andrei: I-

Another agent burst through the door.

Agent: commander Andrei! Agent Jake is in the temple island sir!

Andrei: what!? Even the avatar?

Agent personal: yes sir.

Andrei: very well,thank you for the information.

As the personal staff closed the door.

All personal is looking at the wall map.

Andrei:  guess that the rescue the avatar and Jake is off.Lee what's the status on the equalist?

Lee: sir, one of our spy says that the equalist will attack tomorrow,sir.

Andrei: tell president Amy that the Operation Valkyrie's is a go.

Lee: yes,sir!

To be continued......


Thank you so much for reading this chapter. Clark signing off!

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