battle of republic city pt.2

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Radio static

Happy 1930s to 40s jazz music cue

Can you all believe what's been happening to all benders and non-bender people? The UN is back in action with they're powerful machines and weapons and they're flying machines of doom folks!

And let's not forget about the United forces with assistance also too!

With all of pictures taken by the newspapers and others also! For now though,we will watch as the other worlders are fighting for the republic city!...


Outskirts of the fire nation

Town bar

"Hey,did you guys hear about that radio news?"

"Yeah,about that army called.. um."

"The United nation."

"Yeah,that's right,the united nations." Said the man while drinking his beer.

"Apparently,they've been battling those terrorists for the past 2 or 3 days in the city,I think."

"Yeah,my brother is part of the first fleet of the United forces."

"Really? Cool."


All over the hibit world,millions of people are talking about the UN battling for the city,many people glad that they're back and the others are worried about they're family members and friends in the republic city. When the terrorists arrived and destroying the city,many people died that day.

Many people gossip about the UN's new military aircraft and seeing that they have an Mecha tank but smaller and more flexible.

With they're mighty indestructible tanks and vehicles while facing of the terrorists.

Some photographers came to the city for they're information to the people and many of them awe and seeing they're flying machines that can full speed and destroying enemies also.

And the other world leaders are discussing they're chief staffs and others about the situation between the UN forces and the equalists in the city.

The final decision of they'res is to not intervened the battle between them or there would be some highly consequence when they send they're soldiers on the city's battlefield.

Republic city

11:38 am

City's park

The beautiful park of the city has now turned into an forward operation base(FOB) for now. With military tents and parked armored vehicles all around the city's park area. With the electromagnetic shields generators all over the operation base.

One of the tents is the operation base with laptops and other radio communication around it,the UN attempts to stop the enemy and to eradicate them. But no luck.

Even the United forces on they're side it's still not possible to stop the terrorists.

The lieutenant colonel,leading the first battalion looks up on the flat screen where all the other small companies are battling against the terrorists.

"The first company comprised of 50 to 100 with two armored vehicles and an m2 Bradley have engaged when they've have been ambushed in the north east.

And the second company that have been deployed on the eastern have also been ambushed by some rocket launcher on them."

"The situation is getting worse colonel,it's been 5 days and we still need more troops in the city,even if we are in the future age when our weapons have become stronger,we're still mortals that can be killed. We need the second battalion on this one sir."

"I know major but they're still preparing they're vehicles and I contacted them if there's anyway to speed up to deploy and they told me they can but one of the vehicle have ramped the other vehicles so... We're going to to this on our own for now.


Le time skip


Two m1a2 abrams, four kia KM250 medium trucks,four
armored humvee with they're m2.50 caliber gun and mk. 19 grenade machine gun turrets are speeding through the city's highway roads. All of them are total to 128 troops/soldiers.

They're task is to help the united force on the western northern city district. Where the bender forces surrounded the enemy in the cities water bending district that have been heavy fortified with sub machine guns and Mecha tanks all around the district.

"This is actual,be advised,the enemy made they're first move,be advised. They've got two armored tanks in your way. Be cautious, they're armed and dangerous. Over."

"Roger that actual. Over."

The command of the sixth company in the lav-c2,turns on his radio to all of the convoy.

"This is dover captain. Be advised,actual stated that the enemy send they're first ever armored tank in our vicinity. I want the first abrams on the front for combat on that tank,over."


An hour just pass as the sixth company still speeding towards they're destination in a line formation.

Then out of nowhere,one of the shorter buildings on the left side crumbled down. The convoy stopped as they realized that's the enemy tank.

The dusts started to calm as an a machine behemoth slowly drives over. Crushing some cars underneath it.

(Imagine it's an panzer tank but it's snout is a shorter and it's outer is an Japanese/Chinese style.)

"Enemy tank! Prepare for battle!!"

The two armored Abrams also started moving. The enemy tank first fired at it's composite armor,the Abrams tank shoot with it's 120mm L/44 m256a1 smoothbore gun,and using high explosive squash head (HESH).

It destroyed it's armor and still moving,the enemy tank shot fired and hits it composite armor,but alas,the m1a2 abrams tank is made out of "depleted" uranium.

The Abrams tank shoots,this time. The enemy tank explode. Huge black smoke created.

The sixth company continued it's convoy to they're destination,mowing some enemy mechanical tanks on they're way.

"They're tank is garbage." Said the gunner of the m1a2 abrams.

The use of the m1a2 abrams is still use in 2040s but will retired in the end of the 2040s


An fire bender commander looks out his telescope. He and his troops are in a district hill as he look upon the water bending district,seeing the enemy is still fortifying the district.

The United force send they're  fourth and second company to stop the enemy advancing any further and now they've surrounded the enemy on all sides.

Then a loud rumble heard and he steps out of an blown out building,seeing an two machine behemoth,he can only think one thing. That is the UN sends their forces arrive to aid them.

Seeing this,other benders step out of the way as an convoy of military trucks stops and soldiers coming out of it.


The lav c2 stops and the captain of the sixth company steps out and seeing an old man with his cap.

"Are you the commander of this group sir?" Said the captain.

"Yes,and who you are exactly?"

"I am captain dory,the sixth company of the first battalion UN,your general wants our help and saids that you've surrounded the enemy."

To be continued...


Thank you so much for reading this chapter and I hope y'all have a wonderful day🌅 or night🌌

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