chapter 8: Operation Valkyrie's part 2

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Earth. Fire. Air. Water

Only the avatar master of all four elements could bring balance to the world.

Chapter 8: Operation Valkyrie's part 2.


A/n: I do not own the music of 'rides of the Valkyries' and other photos, the music and the photos are belong to the people who made it and etc etc, thank you.


No one's POV

Jake wokes up in a unfamiliar place,he blink for a few moments before he sits in the bed and stands up. He is still sick and his head is spinning around but still fine. He walk around the unknown house he is in. He hears someone talking. He followed the voice and  when he he stops to see a what appears to be a family sitting down while a girl wearing a south water tribe clothes eating like a wolf.

They all look at him.

Tenzin: are you alright?

Jake falls over and hits his head in the wall.

Tenzin stands up and runs down and kneels down to Jake.

Tenzin: are you alright!?

Jake: I'm fine, I'm fine. Wait a minute.... Where am I?

Tenzin: you're in the air temple island.

Jake: what? Ok..ok.

Tenzin: can I tell me you're name?sir?

Jake: classified but you can call me baker.

Jake slowly standing up.

Jake: now I need to....

Then jake lost his consciousness and fell hitting his head.


Jake is asleep then he hears explosions.

Jake:[grunt's] not I need some sleep.....

Then he hears even more explosions. He open his eyes and then when he saw the city smoking, he quickly gets up and head's outside to see what's going on.

Jake saw the equalist airships attacking the city and dropping bombs all over the city

Lin: alright kids,time to go inside!

Jake,korra, asami, bolin and mako are outside.

Korra: we heard explosions, what's going on?

Lin: republic city is under attack.

Korra and the others wasted no time, and head out to the city.

Jake: wait! I need to come too!

Korra: no, you're staying here,your sick.

Jake: I don't care, I need to regroup my team quickly.

Korra thinks for a second.

Korra: alright. You can come.

Then they head out.


Team avatar and Jake ran to find asami's car.

Asami: where did you say you parked the car?

Korra: it's right around here somewhere. There it is.

The car is parked but it hit the light pole.

Asami: wow,nice parking job.

Korra: hey,you guys got arrested and left me alone with the car. I made it very clear i don't know how to drive.

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