battle of republic city pt 1

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Gun rifles noises

"We need back!! Equalists all sides of our flanks!! We need an 120 mm mortars on the double now!!"

Mortar bombshells whistling noises.

Booming noises.

"We need air support,enemies on the building with full ammunition stocks. We need an attack helicopter on eastern street. Coordinates,2058."


It's been 3 days since the UN enters combat for over 70 years in the republic city. The first battalion over a 1000 and 80 armored vehicles and tanks have been deployed to exterminate the terrorists in the city.

There will be the second battalion comprised of:






The second battalion will be deployed in the second week.
(Get it 😉😉😉😉)

The second battalion will have 80 vehicles when they're deployed in the city. Even though the city is huge,also the terrorists too. The terrorists have 210,000 personal soldiers in every streets,districts all over the republic city.

When the air calvary arrives,the air calvary killed about 4000 enemy in the bay areas all over the city.

(Note: when the first battalion arrives,it has 80 armored vehicles and tanks)

The first battalion fought tooth and nails. Even though the UN military will fighting is just some terrorist with pre ww1 weapons and others.

But... They thought it was..

The equalists are like vietcong to them. The enemy set traps all over the city.

For example,they've planted bombs in a tall and crumbled building to cut off the UN troops so they can ambushed them.

Another one when the sewer tunnels underneath the highway roads have crumbled down when a small convoy of United forces and UN carrying the soldiers to the key areas in the city.

And one of the groups uses an rocket launcher and destroyed the amphibious ship when they landed in the bay area. It didn't kill the troops inside the ship though but made a big dents and scratches all over it.

But luckily,the amphibious ship have a automatic machine gun mounted outside of the ship.

For context. The United forces and the UN military joined forces to eradicate the equalist so the city will be quote on quote:

'back to normal'

(Note: there will be no protagonist in this story,it's like attack on titan. Maybe I'm wrong or right but who knows.)

11:32 am

Eastern city.

The commanding officer and his soldiers consists of 25 are having a break and eating they're MRE so that they can fill up they're stomach.

They've camped in a Broken apartment for cover as they've taken rest. Even they have the electromagnetic shields in they're hands. It's still not enough to fully protect them from rocket launcher, mortar or any other explosive weapons.

Why are they camping in a broken apartment,so that they'll eliminate some enemy soldiers who will gonna try to ambushed them.

"Man,it's been two three and we're struggling out here."

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