chapter 10: strategies for hope

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Sorry guys for that one month or almost two month haitus,cause you know,about. Losing motivation and modules and project but I'm back so don't worry.

But still,I've still got a lot of things to the such as modules,projects and etc etc.

So this story will be a slow update and believe me,I've got a lot of things to do so

Injoy 😁😁


UN base stellar

It's been 2 and a half day since president Amy approved to stop the terrorist called the "equalist"

Women and men working hard for the preparations to attack the terrorist in the republic city.

While the UN military preparing they're choppers and tanks to take the terrorist down.

UN harbor

The UN navy,the strong navy that it's impossible to defeat. While sometimes it's not literally impossible to defeat the navy of UN.

Still it's a strong navy comprised of

South to north America



And other continents

Now onto the story.

In the harbor with cargo ships and warships to aircraft carriers

A 60 to 70 year old man with while wearing the official UN navy uniform with the color white and sky blue with all the medals on it's chest and a sea navy hat.

While it's taking on a stroll,he hears footsteps coming from behind him.


"Yes?" He said with it's Russian accent.

"The general,lieutenant general and other commanding officers are waiting for you in the HQ for strategies."

"Oh that,I see.." he gets his cigarettes and light it one.

"Tell them that I'll be there."

"Right,have a nice day sir." He waves at him.

The old man blows it's cigarette mid air and carefully watch as the military ships are preparing and ready for an departure to reclaim the republic city for it's rights.

"I wish I could retire but noooo,there's going be a war once we depart.." once he done speaking,he steps it's cigar and leaves.

Le time skip

Room filled with chairs and a long wooden table.

The lieutenant general as well as commanding officers and lieutenants,they're waiting for the admiral to begin they're meeting and strategizing.

The lieutenant general is agitated while wondering where the hell is admiral maksokov.

Then they hear the door open and admiral maksokov finally in the room where they strategize they're plans to reclaim republic city.

"Sorry for the late folks,this guy needs some vodka on the way here."

"You're late,whatever. Get to you're seat admiral."

Then the admiral taken his seat with it's glass of vodka in his right hand.

Then the general starts to speak.

"Alright,you know what's happening now. I'll get to the point ladies and gentleman. In this satellite images taken 12 hours ago."

The room went dark and a projector opens and images of republic city in destruction.

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