Ch. 43

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Wanda hazily sat up in her bed, glancing around the room. The combination of the clock sitting on her night stand and the fairy lights strung against her headboard gave the room its familiar night time glow, the clock reading nearly 2 am.The teen soothingly rubbed her fingers over the fuzzy blanket that had fallen halfway off her bed through the night, trying to warrant off the red she feels ghosting her fingers. Deciding sleep no longer seems like an option, she heads to her desk. All her belongings from the trip are neatly folded and waiting for her to put them away, something of which she knows is Natasha's doing. She had felt the spy's presence in her room shortly after Steve had promised her she would be there. Suddenly she feels the need for the calming presence again. She makes her way across the hall pausing as before her knuckles rap against the door. She lowers her fist and backs into her room across the hall, she'll find comfort in something else.

Natasha sits up in bed rather quickly when she hears footsteps. Steve rather panicked by her quick movements sits up too.
"Tash, what's wrong?" He asks, hand reaching up to rub the sleep out of his eyes
"Shh, I heard footsteps." Natasha says as she listens intently as they retreat farther away. "I'm gonna go check on the girls."
"It's probably Wands, Lia would already have come in." Steve replies. Natasha nods, getting up from the bed. Her eyes catch a glimpse at the wounds littering the soldiers knuckles. His eyes find their way to his own hands. Natasha stands pondering what to say, before she snaps herself back to reality. Steve can feel her thoughts swirling.
"I'll be back in a minute." She adds abruptly, instead of going after her he lets her go knowing she needs a moment to herself.

Natasha sighs as soon as their bedroom door shuts behind her. The wounds on Steve's hands were new, she knew he was going to the gym to relieve some stress but the thoughts of him blaming their whole situation on himself came reeling back to her mind. She releases a shaky breathe as she leans against the hallway, looking towards Wanda's room where the door seemed to be opened. She lets the stress roll off her shoulders before entering the teens room. The spy panics finding the teenage no where in sight, her fairy lights still on her bed just like she had seen a few hours ago.
"Wanda?" She asks as she hers sniffling. Her eyes catch sight of sliver of light creeping behind Wanda's walk in closet.
Natasha gently opens the door not surprised to find the teen tucked into the corner, her fuzzy blanket in her lap, tattered picture in hand. It had been a long time since she had found Wanda like this.

After retreating from her parents door, Wanda had returned to her room. Suddenly it felt too big to hold all the thoughts that filled her. She quickly went to a smaller area. When she had first started living with the avengers closed small spaces seemed to provide the familiar comfort of horrible glass walls. In her distress, a small place where she could hide away seemed like the best bet providing comfort from her past however dark and shameful it seemed. Her walk in closet seemed like a nice choice. Natasha of course had found the girl doing so after a one of Wanda's first therapy sessions with a shield mandated therapist that went horribly wrong. Reminding the girl, it was important she felt safe, Natasha suggested they make the place into a reading nook so the girl could make the space more comfortable. Clothing racks were replaced with book shelves, and floor pillows sat in the corner, a small table for cups of tea, picture of her family.
Wanda pulled in the small room with her blanket and her fingers found there way to the tattered picture sitting on the table. She hugs it to her chest, heart heavy. She looks up upon hearing the door open.

"Hey little witch, want some company?" Natasha in a quiet voice as she enters the closet, making her way to sit next to the girl. Wanda is quiet but she allows the older woman to wipe away the tears from her cheeks, wrapping her own hand around hers to keep it in place.
"Mama, I don't know what's wrong with me....everything is so loud." She hears the teen speak into the silence
"Baby, nothing is wrong with you. The way you're feeling, this whole situation,  is just a little set back." Natasha reassures the girl. The girl rearranges herself so her head rests in Natasha's lap, the spy running a hand through her curls.
"Why didn't you come get me, sweetheart? you know our door is always open." Natasha asks
"I didn't want to wake you." Wanda sniffles sitting up
"I don't care what time it is, Wands, if you need me for any reason you come get me, okay?" Natasha says as she looks the girl directly in the eyes.
"Things will get easier again baby, I promise." She adds for reassurance.
The teen nods and Natasha places a kiss on her forehead, her arms wrapped firmly around her daughter.
"You think you can go back to sleep?" She asks, Wanda shakes her head.
"That's okay, you want some tea?" Natasha offers "You can come with me." She adds feeling Wanda's arms tighten around her. She feels the teen nod and movies to help her stand, Wanda grasps her hand holding it as they leave the room.

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