𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨

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Colonel Mustang was sitting on a bench in the hospital's corridor. His head was down. He had just spoken with Havoc. The second lieutenant was already going through the retirement process and the only hope there was for him was gone.

Breda had gone to the village where Tim Marcoh lived and he found out his house was deserted. The doctor had been kidnapped.

The Flame Alchemist didn't want to give up on his subordinate. He refused to do so. One day, Havoc would catch up with him.

'I need you to bring me my uniform,' the black-haired man spoke to Lieutenant Hawkeye when she approached him.

'You're not ready to go back to duty yet, Colonel,' the female spoke.

'Just go get it,' he insisted, and Hawkeye did as he had said.

Scar was back at Central, the senior staff was hiding secrets, the Fuhrer could be related to the Homunculi... There were too many things happening and, on top of that, Scarlett could be in danger. Of course, the colonel knew she could take care of herself, but she was still in the Devil's den.

Meanwhile, the Fullmetal Alchemist and his brother walked around the city fixing people's broken belongings. That was part of their plan to catch another Homunculus: they would draw Scar's attention and then the Homunculi's who were going to try to save the two siblings since they were "good sacrifices".

It didn't take long for Mustang to find them and join the Elrics in their scheme to catch the Homunculi. Ling Yao, a crown prince of Xing, and his bodyguard Lan Fan were helping the brothers as well. They were observing the fight between Scar and the alchemists in the distance to see when the Homunculi would arrive.

In the meantime, Colonel Mustang and Lieutenant Hawkeye were in Fuery's apartment where they were using his radio equipment to send out false information to Central regarding Scar's location.

Despite Colonel Henry Douglas receiving contradictory info, the Fuhrer was able to figure out where the State Alchemists' murderer was and brought Gluttony with him. Ling and Lan Fan spotted the small and fat creature's presence as soon as it approached them. A fight between the two and the Homunculi was about to begin.

Mustang and Hawkeye learnt every detail about the battle involving the Fullmetal Alchemist from the radio system, so they would know when the Elrics needed backup.

'It's just about time,' the colonel commented when he heard on the radio an officer speaking about Winry. 'Go and back them up.'

'Right,' the blonde lady said and got ready to leave the apartment.

The man then told her about a house outside of town where they were supposed to meet. However, things didn't go exactly as planned. Lan Fan got seriously injured, so Mustang stopped by Doctor Knox's house to ask for help. Fortunately, the man agreed and helped the female.

They were at a vacant house outside the city. Ling Yao couldn't bear hearing Lan Fan's screams while the doctor stitched the female's wounds. She had cut her arm off and she had lost too much blood.

Ed and Alphonse were with Ling outside the room where the girl was. Gluttony was with them in another room. The male from Xing had been able to capture the ugly creature.

Then, Colonel Mustang entered the house.

'I'm with the State Military. Name's Colonel Roy Mustang,' the dark-eyed alchemist introduced himself to Ling.

The prince got up immediately and introduced himself as well. He then thanked the colonel for finding a doctor to look at Lan Fan. The colonel thanked him back for his help and for capturing Gluttony.

⬩ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭 ⬩ (Roy Mustang/Fullmetal Alchemist)Where stories live. Discover now