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I don't mind have my manly parts touched by women I don't know.

I do mind, however, when the woman touching them is obviously getting turned on by it, and she keeps moving on her seat, making little comments about it despite being old enough to be my great grandmother.

I look away, uncomfortable because no. She brushes her hand lightly across it, and I glare at her. Who in the hell heard of thirty-minute long prostate exams for physicals? "How much longer are we gonna be?" I demand.

She pushes her seat back, tossing her gloves in the trash can. "You should be done in about fifteen minutes. Want me to get your friend back here again?"

I don't want to tell her Clio isn't my friend by any means, but I'm sure that'll just result in more unneeded touching. "Of course," I bark, yanking my jeans back up and buckling them. I'm going to bathe in bleach tonight. Thanks, you disgusting old hag.

Clio bounces into the room a few seconds later, a sucker in her mouth. She pulls it out, almost slowly and teasingly, and grins at me. "You made quite the impression on her." She sticks it back in her mouth.

"Say somethin' else about it, and I'll give you somethin' to suck on," I growl darkly, collapsing in a chair.

She frowns. "Jeez."

She sits next to me, quiet. Her feet don't quite touch the ground, and she swings them. I pop some gum into my mouth, feeling sick to my stomach. Nasty ass bitch.

Clio tilts her head back, eyes closed. The sucker moves to her right cheek, creating a big bulge. I poke it out. She opens one eye. "Staaaaaahppppp."

I turn away from her.

Her silence is only momentary. "You know, for the girls that can make their butt clap, somebody should make an award. That is hard as hell." She pulls the sucker out of her mouth.

I can't take it anymore. I reach over and take it, shoving it in my own mouth.

"Hey! I was usin' that!"

"For what? Practice? I think it's time you practice on the real thing." I put it back at her lips.

She shakes her head. "Not after you've been with McBitch. She's nasty. And your lips have touched hers."

I grin. "Know what they say. TrEAT your girl right."

Her mouth drops open. "Oh, you nasty!"

I laugh. As if I would bring myself anywhere NEAR close to Kayla's legs with my mouth. But, what Clio doesn't know won't hurt her. "Did you use chocolate?"

"Of course. But it tastes better on you." I poke her in the belly.

She grimaces. "Alright. I'm done with this conversation. Just DONE." She shudders.

I shrug, seductively licking the sucker in front if her. She keeps her eyes on mines. Who looks away first?

The doctor comes in then, a clipboard in his hands. He nods at me, then her, a tired smile on his face. "Good afternoon, Jace St. Andrews. Your friend looks lovely today." He winks.

Clio turns red. "I always look lovely, Doc."

He nods. "This is true." He starts to ask me questions, and I answer them quickly. Clio plays on her phone. The doctor checks stuff out. "Are you sexually active?"

I nod.

He glances at Clio. "Have you slept with someone who may have AIDS or any other STD?"

I shake my head. "No." Clio looks at me. I ignore her. I want to see your bill of health before I touch you.

Tongue Kiss the Chocolate off my StomachWhere stories live. Discover now