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I am not above leaving a girl while she's sleeping.=

What's-her-face is still cuddled against me, naked fake boobs pressed against my back. I push back the dirty covers of this nasty ass motel, dragging my dirty ass out of the bed.

"Jason?" she mumbles, still half-asleep. She pats the bed, searching for me.

"Yes?" I slide on a pair of jeans, throwing my money and stuff into my backpack. Outside, a rental car with my dad's name on it is waiting for me to take off and not look back.

"Where we going?"

"I'm goin' away. I don't give a damn where you're going." I throw on my hoodie incase the Louisiana weather ends up being too cold. Won't matter. I won't be instate any longer.

My phone buzzes. For a second, the letter C comes out, and I think it's Clio, but it turns out to be someone else. Some girl I really can't remember. Maybe she'sa brunette. They tend to be easily forgetable.

What I told Clio had to be done. I couldn't have her running after me. I know myself. I would run right back to her, just like I did with Tina. And look what Tina did to me. 

"But, but," the girl sputters, pulling the covers up around her neck, attempting modesty. Oh please. Modesty flew out the window when she tried to strip me before we even got into this dirty hotel room.  Actually, no, before that. Modesty flew out the window when she decided to unclasp her own bra to give me better access in the car ride here. "I need you."

Yeah. Like a deaf guy needs earphones. "Too bad. I'll pay for another night in this hotel room."

"I don't want to stay here! It's filthy!" she protests.

"Funny, but you weren't concerned with that last night." I sling my backpack over my shoulder and pick up my keys. "Bye."

Usually I don't say good-byes, I say "later" because I don't want to never see some people again. However, in this case, if I ever meet ole girl again, it'll be an unfortunate incident. 

 "But, Jace, I need you. What if I'm pregnant?" she begs, sliding down to her knees in front of me. Her eyes are wide and pleading.

I nudge her away with my foot. "Doubt it. I keep my shit wrapped." 

Her hand clasps my ankle. "Jace. Oh, Jace!" She looks like she's about to cry, with her lips quivering.

I remove my ankle. "Good bye." And good riddance, I add in my head. I close the door in her face, hoping she has the good grace not to follow me out naked.

I hurry, practically running down the hall. I skip the slow elevator and head straight for the stairs. As I pass by the desk, the 40 year old woman at the counter gives me a seductive wink. Oh no. I'm done with cougars.

My rental starts up easily. The Corvette takes off with a slight push of the pedal.

</3 </3 </3 </3 </3

My phone buzzes. It's no longer Clio, but it's someone much worse. Someone who has no right knowing my number--which only means 1 thing: my dad gave it to her.

After ignoring multiple calls from him--about 23, honestly--he finally stopped. But apparently not for long. Whatever he wants to tell me, he's willing to go through great lengths to get it.

I don't answer my mom either. I can't. Not when she's some cracked-out version of the woman who raised me from birth to nine years old.

See, my mom was nothing more than a booty call for my dad that came over once a week. Your typical politician with secret love child story. But Dad is a ruthless, heartless bastard that wanted nothing to do with us. When mom threatened to go to the media with he, he paid some people to do some things to her. Which led to broken ribs, and a morphine addiction. When she got out of the hospital, she looked for something as strong as morphine, or maybe stronger. So she started with alcohol. And then she started adding that to pain pills. And so it went on. Until she tried to sell me for drugs.

In comes Tina.

I get a text message. I roll my eyes, pulling over. I don't want wreck this beautiful car.

It's dear old Dad, learning to use his iPhone. Finally.

I have your girl-toy... if you want her to be unharmed, I suggest you show up at my house in three hours.

I stare at the picture, something in my stomach sinking. Clio has her hands tied behind her back, and she's wearing a defiant expression on her face, but her eyes are scared.

I clench my teeth together. Why the hell isn't she in school?

What do you want? I text back.

His response is quick. Your attention.

Leave Clio out of this.

As soon as you come.

I turn the Corvette around.

</3 </3 </3 </3

My step-bitch gives me a little smile as I enter the house. "Jace! What a lovely surprise!" Her nose is turned up at my outfit, though. Not enough white-boy look for her. Too much "swag" as she would say.

I give her a cold smile back. "Wish I could say the same to you." I look around. "Now cut the nice shit--where's Clio?" My heart pounds. I only have ten minutes left to get to her. And if they hurt her, so help them, God....

She pats the chair next to her. "Sit a spell. Clio isn't going anywhere. Come talk to me."

"I will murder your entire family if you do not show me where Clio is," I threaten, meaning it. 

Her eyes widen. "Down the hall."

I take off, knife tucked in my pocket. All the while I head there, I'm chanting theybetternothurther in my head like a mantra.

I push open the door.

A/N: we had exams this week, and I've been extremely busy! So sorry. I'll make up for it by trying to post Clio's chapter by Sunday! <3 <3 XOXO, writing girl.

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