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Clio wakes up, buried in my arms. She stretches, legs pressing against my side. I hate cuddling, as much as I hate staying the morning after sex. I could've left after she passed out. But I didn't even want to.

I run my hands down her back. 

"Jace?" she sighs, turning slightly. She encounters my morning wood. Without anything on it. "Aw shit." 

I hide my contented smile. Let her think what she want. Or at least try to figure out what happened. "You... I... did we.....?"

"I dunno, did we?" I tease, running my hand up her thigh. Solid, supple thighs. "I have to admit, you look way better without clothes on." 

She shivers. "Get your hands off me."

"Funny, you didn't say that last night." I draw her closer to me, making her think, making her remember.  But mostly, I'm doing it so I can have these few last moments before we return to... wherever we end up. 

She's silent, thinking. "I jus'... Jace, did we do it?"

"Depends on what 'it' is--we did a lot of things, honestly." 

"It bothers me that I'm naked." She pulls away from me, trying to cover some sort of part of her body with her hands. She ends up bent over, retrieving my tee-shirt. She slides it over her head before bouncing on her toes, looking indecisive about where to go. I pat the empty spot next to me.

"Might as well. We've seen each other naked already."

"Yeah, an' I can't even remember," she mumbles, climbing back in next to me. She sits on top the covers, legs stretched out in front of her. 

I drop the covers to my waist and welcome her under my arms. "Trust me, you liked it enough." I drop my mouth to her ear, a smile dancing across my lips. "You're a screamer."

Which is total bull shit. She has the perfect sex voice. 

"Oh noooo," she wails, covering her face up with her hands. "I'm so sorry."


"I dunno. Whatever I did. Oh God, I'm not a virgin anymore! An' I don't even remember it." She looks like she's about to cry. Just all and all out bawl.

I pull her face on my chest. "Clio, I'm not evil. I didn't take advantage of you... not completely anyway. Before I could control myself stuff happened an'....." 

She takes a deep breath. "Oh."

Yeah. Oh. It took every single thing in me not to go all out with her. And had she been any other girl, I probably would've. But she's Clio. And I sort of needed her help to not committ murder last night.

But that still doesn't change the fact that I will not, not ever, date her. I can't. 

She makes an incoherent noise. "Jace.... am I least good in bed?"

I hold back my laughter. Of all the things to worry about, that's what she's concerned with. "Your mouth is anyway."

She arches an eyebrow. And then it hurts her what I meant. "Oh! OH!" She hops out of bed quickly, dancing to the bathroom. I hear the water running and then "ew! oh gross! GROOOOSSSSSS." 

I laugh--loudly. "I even returned the favor, Clio!" I call out.

The only answering sound is the shower being turned on.

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Clio tilts her head to the side as we pull up to her house. "So... where does this leave us?"

I was afraid of that conversation. "What do you mean 'us'?" I ask slowly. Committment. Hell no. "There is no us."

She sighs, face red, obviously frustrated. "You know what? Never mind! Doesn't matter! Jesus." She gets out and slams the door, irritated with me.


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