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I haven't slept in nine days. I'm tired. I'm emotional. And I have my first basketball game today. How the hell am I supposed to play when I can't even remember my name?

I yawn, getting in the middle of the circle with Gene. The boys surround us, arms raised. I can't see past them, but I can feel their energy. And the coffee slowly settling in. Good.

"Devils on three, Devils on three, 1, 2, 3, DEVILS!" Their hands go down and they erupt above us. Me and Gene take off to the middle of the floor, our fans cheering for us. We're not starting. Coach said it wouldn't look for his team if the two best players were girls.

We line up for the announcer to say the starting line-up.

The boys come running through, one at a time, to cheers. I give each one a high-five.

"And, finally, starting at center for your John Franklin Red Devils, is senior Jaaaaaaaceeeee St. Annnndrewwwwwws!"

His name is greeted by piercing, female shrieks. He grins, jogging down to high-fives. When he gets to see me, his smile widens. I grin back, my caffeine rush settling in. We jump, chest bumping. He takes off then and the rest of us wait for Coach.

Coach leans in the middle of the circle, serious. "Listen here & listen good. We can beat this team. Beat their asses. Play good offense and better defense. Stop 25. If you can." He meets my eyes. "First break, I'm sending you in for Mark. You'll guard 25 and make sure he doesn't look at the ball all night. Everybody else, REBOUND. Got it?"

We nod.

He smiles. "Let's get ready to rumble."

<3 <3 <3

By the end of the first quarter, the coffee has settled in. I'm jumping up and down, bouncing with energy. We're down 12-9, thanks to Jace, who keeps turning the ball over. Mark is a good point guard, but he keeps feeding the ball to Jace.

"Lil'Bit, c'mon. You're goin' in for Jace. Get that boy some easy shots."

I smile. "Alright, Coach!" Jace, looking miserable, gives me a look. I motion him over to me. "Pick and roll--go to the goal. You can jump up over that boy. Got it?"

He nods.

We go back into the game. My eyes stay on the pass. It's a lazy one. I grab it and take off. A quick look over my shoulder shows me Jace is trailing me, the only person in front of him a short boy. I throw the ball up around the goal.



I hear the crowd go off. Successful dunk. Jace grins as I run up to him. "Truce?" he offers.

I smile. "Truce." I bounce around, staying on number 25 like a hawk.

<3 <3 <3

76-54, final score. I accounted for seven assists and three points. Jace had 22 points, mostly dunks. We make a hell of a team.

I pull off my jersey. Gene--not to mention the boys--are watching me intently. I roll my eyes. "Guys, who do you expect to see? Boobs? I have a top on under this?"

They laugh.

My uniform, being a boys' uniform, doesn't fit. The arms go too far down and show off my sports bra. And the shorts hang to mid-calf. I pull off my shorts to reveal spandex. I pull on my sweats and my game shirt, wiping off sweat from my forehead.

"You ready?" I ask Jace.

He slings his bag over his shoulder and grabs mines too.

Our truce is over. It's apparent in the tension in the car. And in the way it's silent. I'm not even enjoying the win anymore.

Once home, I hurry and shower, throwing on an old t-shirt and some shorts. I lay in bed, tire but unable to sleep. It's silent in the house. Only Titus and Vic are here besides us. Everybody else went to eat out. Mama always treats her boys to good stuff and surprises. They'll be home soon. I wish she would treat me to a surprise, starting with coming to a game.

"Clio?" My door opens. Jace is standing there, shirtless, hair wet and hanging on his shoulders. He looks utterly miserable. "I can't sleep, an' neither can you. C'mere."

I blame lack of sleep, and I'm sure I always will.

I head into his open arms, burying my head again. Lord, he feels so good. "Oh, Jace," I say.

He looks at me, and his eyes are speaking too me.

I take a deep breath. "I know, baby, I know. I love you too."

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