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Right now, I'm willing to follow Jace to the end of the earth. Possibly because I'm worried about him because of my mom. Or maybe, more than likely, because he gives great kisses and I might be lusting after him.

Hormones, slow me down.

He turns into an old, warn-down home, though, and a bad feeling flips in my gut. I trust him though. I'm sure he wouldn't willingly lead me into danger.

I park right behind him, unbuckling and getting out. That look on his face is what's really getting me. He looks haunted, like he's about to cry, and he looks like he might destroy everything in his path. Never a good combination.

"C'mon." He motions for me to follow him, and we enter the house.

It's pretty empty, and more or less clean. It's quiet and has a distinct unclean smell to it. Jace keeps his hand on my shoulder behind him. "Mom?" he calls out.

Of course he would want to see his mom right now.

There's silence.

"Mom?" His voice is a little louder now.

Again, nothing. And then a whimper.

He lets me go so he can investigate. I stay in the living room, observing. Women's clothing. Dirty. Men's clothing too, blood-stained. The smell of cheap liquor and cigarette smoke cling to the sofas. Weed has a big piece of the smell too. I wrinkle my nose.

The door opens behind me. I jump, whirling around and staring into the face of a gun. My heart leaps in my chest. "Whoa! I have nothin' to do here. I'm here with a friend!" I explain, hands up.

The guy glares at me. "You that bitch that's always comin' here talkin' about I'm abusin' Leann?"

I shake my head. "No, I swear. I'm still in high school! I'm here with Jace."

"Who?" Oh God. His hands are shaking on the trigger.

"Jace. Leann's son."

"Oh." He lowers the gun, clicking on the safety.

Holy shit, I think, taking a deep breath.

"Yo, her son got money?" I notice his protruding veins. They scream the names of the drugs he's injected in them. His bloodshot eyes and holey shirt says he's been drinking too.

I shrug. "I dunno."

He looks me over once more, almost hungrily. I scratch at my arms, more for lack of something to do. I'm so uncomfortable.

Jace comes stalking down the hall, a pissed expression on his face. "Let's go," he growls, throwing down a hundred dollar bill.

I shut the door behind me, glad to be away. I let Jace lead me to our next destination.  

<3 <3 <3

He takes me dress shopping next.

I search through dress after dress trying to find something "sexy" and "formal." Which is hard because I'm a pretty hefty child, and sexy doesn't cut it for sizes over 12. But formal. I like formal.

I lift up a silky black dress. Noticing the way the back is out, I slide it back on the rack. That's a negative. Back fat is disgusting.

"Clio." Jace stands there, that same petulant, angry expression on his face. He holds up an orange dress, long ont he left side, knee-high on the right. He hands it to me. "Try it on."

I slip into the dressing room, pulling off my clothes. The dress slides against my skin, soft and easy. I zip it up from the side and look. 


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