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We've both been tricked beyond measurement. My dad brought me here, saying that the senator just wanted to "talk" to me about Jace, to check on him. But then I found myself being tied down to a chair with promises of getting beat up or killed if I don't stay still and wait for Jace. Which, considering how well Jace and I are getting along right now, I was considerably worried.

Now, I knew he took the picture for Jace to get here, but then his dad told me all I had to do was look scared and get Jace here--and I would be fine. It was just a plot to get him here, so they could talk out their problems.

But one look into the eyes of his dad when Jace walks in, let me know that they were about to do a lot less talking and a lot more fighting.

I try to pull free of my ropes, hating my dad. "Jace!" I exclaim, trying to get closer to him. At least he came for me.

He glances over at me. "Let her go. I don't know what you want with me, but she has nothin' to do with it." He takes a little step closer.

His dad laugh. Senator St. Andrews, the senator of good will and good feelings. As if. "But doesn't she? Don't you remember, Jace, when you were little, you always carried a toy around? But now instead of toys, you carry women around?"

Jace laughs. "As if. I drop women like they're hot coals on a daily basis."

The senator arches an eyebrow. "But you haven't dropped this one yet." He nods at me. "I was going to capture that Kayla girl... What's her last name?"

"MCBITCH," I growl, anger increasing ten-fold.

Senator laughs. "Yes, that one. But, I saw this one had a stronger hold on you. I knew you would come running for this girl--and nor do I blame you. If you choose to stop your loose, slovenly ways one day, I so hope you would choose to marry her. We had delightful conversation while you were on your way here."

Delightful? On the contrary, I just said really mean things about him, but told him he was the perfect politician--mean, liar, a great personality for tricking people, and manipulative.

Jace looks over at me. I shrug. "I don't know what he's talkin' about."

Jace is all but sitting in my lap now. He comes behind the chair and unties me. "Let's go," he mumbles.

Senator gives us a pitying smile. "See, as much as I would like that, we can't actually let neither of you go. We won't hurt the girl--but I don't want her getting some fancy idea to call the police or anything."

I frown. "Why would I call the police? If anything, I'd call my mom to kill my sorry excuse of a dad."

Senator nods. "Yeah. Real men are valued by what they do with their kids. Your dad cares nothing of you or your little siblings. Or your older brothers. He would just as soon send you all away for a thousand bucks."

I shrug. "I know."

"And it's a pity your mom doesn't want you either, isn't it?"

I glare at him. "My mom does want me! She told me she did."

"Honey, I tell my wife everyday I'm faithful to her." His laugh is filled with humor.

I blink my eyes before I can cry. "That's you. You're not exactly a poster child for the best husband--or father."

He points to Jace. "And you think he is? Look at him. Does he really look like the type of guy you marry? No. But will you marry him? Yes."

I stare blankly. I'm not marrying Jace. And I miss his point.

"My point, you dear confused child, is that looks can be deceiving. I may seem bad, but am I?"

His philosophy is throwing me off. "Yes actually. You kidnapped a girl, you cheat on your wife, and now you have plans to hurt your son."

"Bastard children are nothing," he growls. There's real anger in his eyes, not that calm, placating look from earlier.

And that's when it all clicks in my mind. Why he hates Jace so much. I drop my knowing smile and change it to one of concern. If we want to get back alive, we're going to have to be very careful. Angry, mentally broken people are dangerous.

"Senator," I say, very quietly, "were you a bastard child?"

Jace pulls me closer to him. "What the hell?"

I put a finger on my lip. "Hush."

Senator's face turns really red--almost purple. "Who told you?" he snaps, reaching for me with his hands in a choking motion.

Jace tightens his grip on me. "Uh-uh," he warns, "I wouldn't touch her."

I elbow him in the waist, warning him to shut his mouth. "Nobody. I figured it out."


"It's the only reason you hate Jace so much--because you hate yourself." I try to drop the smug tone from my voice. It won't be helpful.

"My mom was a good woman!" he explodes, glaring at me still. "That man seduced her!"

I nod, listening. "He probably did. Men are evil that way." I think about my own dad. Would he really give me away that easily?

Senator nods, way too excited now. "She told my dad. He hated me. Beat me damn near every day, either psychically or mentally."

I grab Jace's hands because his fists are clenched. I can't grab his mouth however. "Kind of like you did me, Dad?" His tone is sarcastic. "Don't sit up here and bitch about being beat when you did the same thing to your own dame son!"

I give his hand a gentle squeeze.

His dad states at him blankly. "You deserved it! We both did. Bastard children are unwanted."

Oh, now that's a wound that cuts deep.

I snuggle into Jace, not trusting the Senator if I gave him a hug. I can help one person though. "Not true. I'm a bastard. A lot of people love me--my mom, all the Boys at the house.... Even Jace sometimes."

Jace nods. "It was actually like once, but still."

I roll my eyes. I've never given much thought to the fact I was a bastard. I had a mom that loved me. My dad wasn't part of my life. I didn't care. I had plenty of playmates and brothers.

The Senator shakes his head. "It's lies. They tell you they want you, but they only want your money."

They=women. Jace uses women the same way. Is it because they both need to feel wanted? And that's the only way how?

"You know what, Senator, maybe you should stop throwin' pity parties for yourself, and look at your son. He's hurtin' just as bad as you are. Don't you think that maybe you should help him out?"

Jace dig his nails into my hand. I've crossed my boundaries with him. But I need to get out of here. He can afford to be angry a few days at me. He can't afford to beat up though. "I don't need, or want, his help."

I sigh. "Men are so stubborn! Stop tryna be macho, an' admit y'all need each other's help!" I pull away from Jace and sit back in my chair. "An' none of us are leavin' this room until y'all talk."

I cross my arms, waiting.  

<3 <3 <3 <3

"Guys...." I whine, leaning my head against the wall with a thump. "Please talk. I'm gettin' hungry." My stomach puncuates my sentence with a loud growl. 

Jace opens one eye. "I actually felt that vibration." 

I shoot him a look. I'm laying down on the ground, and he's laying down on my breasts, like it's nothing. "It's been five hours... surely, ya'll can't be that  stubborn."

Seantor St. Andrews nods. "Oh, yes we can be. If he's related to me at all, he can be that stubborn."

I heave a deep breath. "Fine."

My stomach growls again.

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