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My door opens, and some guy struts in, throwing a backpack on the opposite bed. I frown, wondering exactly what the fuck he thinks he's doing. "I think you got the wrong room, dick. This one's occupied," I say. Plus, I was about to start my own little self-pleasure, what with Clio having rubbed that precious little derriere all over me today while playing basketball. And I sure as hell don't feel like seeing any other girl. I want Clio. And badly.

He gives me a dark look. "Listen, white boy, I ain't 'bout to put up with yo shit aight." He stands, chest out, like he's about to scare me.

I flip him off. "Listen, black boy since we're apparently doin' a race thing now--"

"You callin' me black?" He looks incredulous.

I frown, confused. "Would you perfer I called you brown or somethin'.....?" Is he one of those 'I have a 1/10th of white blood in me, so I'm white' black people?

"Don't fuck wit me--you don't know me."

"You're right, I don't," I say, throwing the covers off of me.

"Man, nigga, put some pants on! Cover yo shit up." He turns away qucikly.

I shrug. "Jealous?" I throw some sweatpants on, heading out the door. I have to talk to somebody. There's no way in hell I'm putting up with him. "Clio!" I call, heading towards her room. I don't have to look any further than the living room.

Vic slaps his hand over my mouth suddenly, eyes wide. "Shut up. Don't bother her. This is Hell Week."

I move his hands away, confused. "What the fuck are you talkin' about?" I demand, trying to get to Clio. "Is she sick? Is she hurt?"

"No. But if you bother her, WE will be."

I sigh. "Vic. The fuck do you mean?"

"Listen, every girl has that week. It's called a period. Clio is on hers. You tip-toe around her. Make her happy. Feed her chocolate. Don't upset her. Tell her she's pretty every time you see her. Because she will cry, curse you out, scream, an' try to murder your entire family if she's upset." He peers over the wall, where she's laying on the sofa, a towel on her stomach. She looks utterly miserable.

I frown. She whimpers slightly. "I thought PMS was an excuse that girls used."

"NO. For God's sake, drop your voice! Don't let her hear you," he hisses, pulling me back. "Don't go to her unless called for. She's horrible."

Clio sighs. "Vic? Can you bring me another hot towel?" she calls, weak.

"Got it, Clio," he says. Dropping his voice, he adds, "Go tell her she's pretty."

I head into the living room, watching Clio. Her eyes are still closed, and she's shaking. I want to pull her into my arms. And then run far away from her. I want to kiss her. And then never see her again.

"Clio?" I say quietly.

She opens one eye, miserable. "What?" I'm not sure if she's trying to sound angry, but she's so quiet, it's hard to tell.

"I'm sorry," I offer, unsure what in apologizing for. Hurting her maybe. But it had to be done. "I'm so sorry."

She gives me a look. "Don't matter, Jace. It's not gonna work out anyway."

I should've known. Clio doesn't bull shit around. She says what needs to be said. "But--"

"No buts." Vic hands her the damp towel, and she places it on her stomach, closing her eyes again. "I HATE HAVIN' A VAGINA."

Unable to control myself, I blurt out, "I don't mind you havin' one. I liked it." A smile creeps across my face, but it quickly falls flat when I see Vic's face.

He gives me a dark look. "And how would you know you liked it?" he demands, voice low. "Jace, if you touched Clio, I will literally rip--"

"Well get to rippin'," I snap. Might as well act like a cocky bastard before I get my ass beat. "It tasted NI--"

"Dammit, Jace!" Clio growls, standing up and heading towards her room.

Vic follows after her. "If she wants your ass on a silver platter, you best believe I'm gone have your ass on a silver platter."

I sigh, heading back to my room. Of course.

<\3 <\3

I can't take it. Arguing with Clio all week has put bags under my eyes. And Titan, Titus, whatever the fuck his name is drives me up a damn wall with his wanna-be hood, silly little "I spent the night in parish prison so I'm a badass" dumb fuck.

I pull the covers up over my head, desperate to get some sleep. I can't sleep knowing Clio is mad at me. But I can't sleep giving her what she wants. And I can't release this sexual tension due to inability to get excited over anyone not named Clio.

"Y'all should just go ahead an' fuck," my roommate says, turning down his music.

I stick my middle finger out from underneath the cover. "Please, save your love advice. I don't need it."

He chuckles. "The way I see it, you do. I don't know the girl that well, but she isn't half as mean to you as she is to everybody else--even me. I'm a douche to her, an' she treats me like a king compared to you."

"Your point?"

"Neither of you are sleepin'. Both of y'all are angry. An' y'all make me horny with those damn looks."

I fight the urge to throw up. "That's wonderful to here, asshole. But I want nothin' to do with Clio, and the same for her."

He sighs. "She might not want you, but you need her. I can't sleep with you tossin' an' turnin' all night. An' then you wake up angry."

I throw my blanket off. "What do you want me to do?! Go in her room, throw her on the ground, an' strip her naked?"

He shrugs. "If that makes you happy. But these floors are hard. You might wanna stick to the bed."

I give him a dark look. "You might wanna stick to whatever bull shit you do at night--your advice sucks."

I turn my back to him.

I still don't get any sleep that night..

Tongue Kiss the Chocolate off my StomachKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat