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Clio came home today. I didn't get a chance to talk her while she was in there, but, damn if I didn't try. Luckily, she's fine. Her organs are great. She'll be physically alright in about a week. But mentally? I'm scared for her. I didn't know someone had tried to rape her. Hurt her. And why does she keep his picture up on the wall?

Ms. Tiffany sticks her head through the door. I'm staring at the wall, waiting for me chance to go see Clio. Titus is on the phone with Dylan. Ms. Tiffany gives me a smile. "Go talk to her. Please. I can't stand seein' both of ya'll miserable."

I jump up immediately, heart thundering in my chest. I try to calm down, but fuck it.

"And, Jace? Try and manage to keep your hands out my daughter's pants." She winks at my confused look. "Teens think us adults are stupid. I could hear both of ya'll from the other side of the Mississsippi."

My face burns. "Really?"

She nods. "You two will need sound-proof walls. For future reference. And I hope you used protection."

Oh God. So awkward. I nod slowly. "We did. And yes ma'am."

She turns away from me. "Alright then, go."

I'm out the room before she can get out. I push past her, desperate to see my Clio. Clio's room is too far away, but I end up there in a near-sprint.

She's dressed in a pair of shorts that make me want to strip her naked and a loose t-short. She looks like Clio usually looks--extremely energetic and full of attitude.

I close the door behind me, keeping my hands behind my back and off of her. "Clio?"

She turns to be and grins. "Don't stand there! C'mere an' kiss me. Jesus. Boys are so dense." She sits up in her bed, folding her legs Indian style and makes room for me.

"I promised your mom I would keep my hands out your pants."

She looks confused. "What do you mean?"

I sigh, stepping closer, sitting on the edge. "She knew about us. You know..." It sounds weird to say out loud now.

She looks horrified. "Oh my God. How did she figure out?"

"I told you you were a screamer," I joke, pushing her down on the bed. I climb over her, loving being this close to her. "You're beautiful--but if you ever pull some shit like that again, I swear I'll kill you myself."

"You don't have the balls," she whispers, breathless.

I grin. "Really? You wanna see?" I tease.

She rolls her eyes. "I love you."

That damn l-word. It causes too much trouble.

I give her a kiss, savoring the quietness, the buzz of a tree, and the way she feels underneath me. I thank God mentally for sending me her.

"I love you, too."

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