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I slam the knife against the counter, wanting to slam it into Jace's neck instead. After the week I've had of countless arguments over trivial things like washing powder, I just want to finish up this Friday night with some sleep. And thankfully, Mom has sent most of the boys away, with the exception of Titus and Jace. But I can ignore them. Hopefully.

My phone buzzes. "Yeah?" I answer, sliding broccoli and cauliflower into a bowl. I rinse them in water, then send them into a pot of boiling water.

"What you doin' tonight?" Lai asks. In the background I hear Skky, her five year old sister, asking questions.

"Stayin' home. Sleepin'." Or trying to anyway. My eyes have bags under their bags. I need to get away from here. But where do I go? Lai's house is loud. I don't have other friends with room. I have nowhere I can--Darryl.

"Loser. I was gonna ask what Darryl was doin'.... I'm in a partyin' mood." She puts the phone away from her mouth, but I can still hear her. "Mami! Donde esta mi frijoles?"

I laugh. "Are you eatin' beans again?"

She giggles. "Yeah. It's vegetarian week again."

I look at the meal I'm making for three. Steamed vegetables, sweet corn, rice and gravy with pork chops. Everything is done except for the vegetables. "Eh. I don't see how ya do it."

"I'm not a big fan of red meat. But, really, call Darryl an' see what's up. We haven't been down there in a while."

I sigh, covering up the pot. I lean against the counter and yawn. "Lai, can we go next weekend? I feel horrible today. I need to catch up on my sleep." I sound pitiful, I know this. But my eyes are barely open as it is. The only reason I'm still up is because there isn't any food in the house and Mama said for me to cool before I slept.

"Oh okay. Fiiiiine. But next weekend is our weekend. I want a Hurricane with an extra shot. gracias." There's the sound of a closed door, and then her mouth is full for the next two words. "I'm about to eat. I'll text you."

"Later." I hang up, burying my face in my hands. My stomach isn't cramping any more, but my head is still pounding. I dial Darryl's number, hoping he's not busy. "Hello?"

"Clio! Hey!" It's quiet, which means he's chilling at home, probably playing on his XBox.

"You need a baby sitter? Cuz I need a place to catch up on my sleep," I say, watching my food.

He chuckles. "I always need a babysitter. Day doesn't like anybody but you."

I think of my sweet godchild, who I only see about four times a year. She'll be turning three next month. "Good. What time can I be there?"

"Actually, Clio, I have a game tonight. I'm about to head out in a about two hours. I have four tickets left if you wanna come. Section 110, row 2.."

Sounds amazing. I could go for a good NBA game right now. "That's great, D! Thanks."

"Yeah, invite your friend Lai, an' two of the Boys." There's a knock on the door and then I hear Day's voice. She says something and giggles. Darryl laughs. "That's okay with your mom? I know it's short notice."

I think. I would bring Vic, but he's busy. And so is everybody else. I don't even have Gene's number. "Yeah, that's fine. Want me to pick up Day on the way there?"

"That'll be perfect."

I hang up and call Lai back.

"Day!" I cry, lifting her up, out of Porsha's hands. Porsha is her step-mom, and Darryl's fiancé. She's an okay person, in my opinion. Day gives her hell, but Day gives everybody hell.

Day grins, not speaking. Unlike her loud parents, she's quiet. Could be because she's young.

Porsha gives me a hug. "Hey, Clio." Her eyes roam over Lai, but she doesn't speak. "Who are your friends?"

Friends is a long shot at describing Titus and Jace, but she doesn't need to know that. "Titus, an' Jace." His name comes out funny. Like I'm choking on it. I give him a dark look. Like it's his fault I want him.

When, in fact, it is actually.

Jace gives me a funny look but doesn't say anything.

Porsha gives them hugs, and the boys respond by staring down her shirt at her overflowing D-cups. "Hello boys."

"Heyyyyy," Jace drawls, holding her waist. A smile crosses his face before he glances over at me, cocky.

I slide closer to Titus, who flirted with me on the ride here when he found out Lai was accounted for. Lai, who Porsha hates because Lai slept with Darryl a while ago. Darryl was drunk. Lai knew what she was doing though. I don't hold it against her. There are worse things in life.

Porsha gives him a heated look. I ignore them, bouncing my baby girl on my hip. "Alright, y'all, we need to be goin'... Traffic gone be rough."

Jace breaks eye contact, looking more curious than anything. Porsha's face falls slightly. "Here's the tickets, Clio. Enjoy."

I take them from her hand and head back to the car. I buckle in Day, watching her hit Jace. Smart girl.

Titus rubs his hand against my back, steering me away from Jace and Lai. He pauses by the stairs, looking at me. "Make up with Jace. He can't sleep, an' neither can I."

I shrug. "There is nothin' to make up for. We're fine."

He chuckles. "If you two aren't the most stubborn people I know..." He nods at a guy passing by. "Think about it, Princess. It'll do you good, too. Those bags under your your eyes aren't cute."

I turn away from him, heading towards our seats with Day held tightly in my arms.

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